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Real gold vinyl


New Member
I letter new boats for a yacht factory. Mostly in cut cast vinyl and on the odd occasion hand lettered. They now are building a boat for a client who wants Gold Leaf and the name set in University Roman. The boat sails on Friday. I've never done gold leaf myself so I ordered some real gold specialty film with an engine-turned finish. Anybody ever use this stuff? Will this need a clear lam to keep it protected or is this stuff okay as is? The supplier said he had no idea.


Old Member
Oh boy...if your supplier doesn't know how to use the products he's providing, I'd be a little concerned. Beyond that, I've applied similar products, actual gold leaf on an adhesive vinyl material, many times. The procedure I use is to laminate and overlap the gold material by at least 1/8", depending on the size of the graphic. This way the gold is fully encapsulated and protected.


Active Member
If it's "SignGold" you need to edge seal it, they sell a "SealIt" marker just for this.
Or you can use "Frog Juice" to edge seal.
If you have an outline (which it usually should) put down a solid vinyl background (with outline)first then drop the signgold on top, then edge seal.
Heres a link to their sight... http://signgold.com/
You need a better supplier


New Member
If its the Signgold. No it has a Tedlar laminate already applied. But I do advise to do a Trap black (Or whatever color) HP vinyl outline to protect the edges or seal the edges with a Seal-It Pen.


New Member
If its the Signgold. No it has a Tedlar laminate already applied. But I do advise to do a Trap black (Or whatever color) HP vinyl outline to protect the edges or seal the edges with a Seal-It Pen.

Here's your answer ^^^^^

SignGold is nice material...but ya gotta seal it!!! and it's $$$$$!!!!


New Member
Thanks everybody, we just picked up the film from the bus depot. It seems to have a laminate over the gold already. It's going on top of a 2mill cast film outline layer. It seems like a high quality film, sad to have to cut it into university roman letters.....
you've received the correct answers but you still have not told us what brand of material it actually is...hopefully it is signgold brand it is the cream of the crop but as noted you must follow the instructions and seal the edges.

now in your spare time teach yourself to gild or attend a workshop so that you can add the real deal to your repertoire...there is nothing better than gold leaf, it sells itself especially in the yachting world.


New Member
I have leafed only 20-30 times, mostly fire trucks. Sign-Gold vinyl is a great alternative but be sure to seal the edges, especialy on a boat. If done propery it will last. What I do it appy the gold first them the vinyl outline over it to seal the edges. Be sure to use a high performance film for that.


New Member
Thanks again for all the info. I wasn't sure if it was Sign-Gold brand film but after checking the code and looking on the web thats what it is. Way back in the day I shared a sign shop with another signwriter who did all the leafwork. I can hand-letter and stripe but learning to do gold leaf will have to wait 'til after I learn to play the pedal steel guitar.

Sign Works

New Member
Just to let you know, the Seat-It pens contain One Shot's Speed Dry UV Acrylic Clear so you can also edge seal with a brush if preffered.


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Old Member
Since it is SignGold brand material....please Do Not follow the procedure I described earlier. You need to consult the manufacturer's instructions for that product and seal the edges as described by the other posts. They also make a printable version of SignGold, which has a different top surface than the regular SignGold, you should verify which one you have before deciding what method you will use to install it.

I mistakenly assumed from your original question that you would be using a different material, something similar to the actual gold product at the Lionet link given above, and gave you directions for using that.