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Sign Destroyed Advice


New Member
Hello, I'm posting a pic of this sign not so it can be critiqued. I know it's not the best looking sign.

I'm posting it because it was destroyed last night in a wind storm. Winds over 40mph

The sign is 6mm aluminum sheets screwed to wood frame behind.

The wood frame consisted of 4x4 posts anchored directly to sidewalk. The between posts a normal build of 2x4's as if building a drywall wall in a house. We then added a few more cross beams to that.

Customer has only pointed out it has been destroyed. The posts are still there but that's all. It's also in a bad part of town where it had already been vandalized a little bit.

I am out of town currently and am just wondering is this my responsibility or should I just meet customer half way since he is a good customer that spends a lot?

Thanks guys and gals.


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Profane and profane accessories.
I'm hoping you mean 6mm composite aluminum sheets, because I think it was a heck of a lot more than 40MPH winds if a 6mm aluminum sheet got torn up!
It seems as if you assembled it in the most logical way. Maybe add a couple of more stringers and have a couple of inches gap at the bottom so it's not a windbreak?


New Member
I have been advised that the client needs to turn it into their insurance as that is exactly what insurance covers and that I should not be responsible for any of it.

Guess I'll find out

And apparently yes I think was more like tornado gusts of wind. I was not aware it was that bad.


New Member
I'm hoping you mean 6mm composite aluminum sheets, because I think it was a heck of a lot more than 40MPH winds if a 6mm aluminum sheet got torn up!
It seems as if you assembled it in the most logical way. Maybe add a couple of more stringers and have a couple of inches gap at the bottom so it's not a windbreak?
Yes I agree on the rebuild it needs some wind gaps or some hell of strong brace behind it.

Thank you

Johnny Best

Active Member
Give him a price for a complete rebuild so he can submit it to insurance company. It was an "act of god", so not your fault.
Good luck, and maybe some extra braces in back.

d fleming

New Member
Yep, AOG. My shop sign got destroyed two weeks ago by small twister. Lots of damage to older signs nearby but I was shocked by mine just basically disappearing. Half inch pvc on two sides of 4x4 posts with top and sides edged in same. All that was left was the posts.


Premium Subscriber
Not quite sure of the dimensions on that thing, but it looks to be at least 6' tall and 8' wide and on a 90º angle. When you say cross pieces.... do you mean from end corner to end corner ??

Building two walls and only anchoring them into the sidewalk is hardly enough bracing, without deadman posts or some similar application. You're lucky all it did was tear it apart and not start sailing away and decapitate someone.

My opinion, you didn't install it correctly. Act of God or not...... just doing something half-a$$ed doesn't get you outta the blame for doing it wrong.


Active Member
If the posts are still there it would seem you did an adequate job of anchoring it. Was anything else it the area taken out by the winds too?


New Member
Not quite sure of the dimensions on that thing, but it looks to be at least 6' tall and 8' wide and on a 90º angle. When you say cross pieces.... do you mean from end corner to end corner ??

Building two walls and only anchoring them into the sidewalk is hardly enough bracing, without deadman posts or some similar application. You're lucky all it did was tear it apart and not start sailing away and decapitate someone.

My opinion, you didn't install it correctly. Act of God or not...... just doing something half-a$$ed doesn't get you outta the blame for doing it wrong.
Gino I did do dead man anchors and beyond that there is a concrete planter behind it and I attached it to that as well. If that helps.
I worked my ass off on doing that so I definitely didn't half ass it.


New Member
If the posts are still there it would seem you did an adequate job of anchoring it. Was anything else it the area taken out by the winds too?
Yes a barn crushed some cows and large trees were leveled.

I also found out his deductible is over 200k so he won't be submitting that.

What a cluster fuck.


Premium Subscriber
Gino I did do dead man anchors and beyond that there is a concrete planter behind it and I attached it to that as well. If that helps.
I worked my *** off on doing that so I definitely didn't half *** it.

You originally only mentioned anchoring the posts into the cement, which isn't near enough for any sign of that size. That did not sound like enough. Good luck.


New Member
You originally only mentioned anchoring the posts into the cement, which isn't near enough for any sign of that size. That did not sound like enough. Good luck.
I understand my bad. I wanted it assumed I did proper job so I didn't give all details as not to bore everyone.

Sorry about that.


Active Member
Sounds like you did the job well, so really no responsibility for the failure. Since you said it's a good client I would give discount on the redo. You have the design files already, the posts
survived and usually doing something a second time goes quicker.


New Member
did he send any after photos? are the panels gone completely and if so are they near by? no matter what my guess is no fault of yours in anyway. seems like 40 mph winds wouldn't do much damage. the only thing I can think of is how were the panels attached to the wood frame? did the sign get enough wind to the the screws with the heads thru the material? that's about all I can see that could happen


New Member
did he send any after photos? are the panels gone completely and if so are they near by? no matter what my guess is no fault of yours in anyway. seems like 40 mph winds wouldn't do much damage. the only thing I can think of is how were the panels attached to the wood frame? did the sign get enough wind to the the screws with the heads thru the material? that's about all I can see that could happen
I think my initial 40mph is wrong
Apparently they had tornado warning etc.
I applied the sheets directly to posts and 2x4's with 3" deck screw with hex bit.
Also put beeds of liquid nails to each connection point.
I'm hoping to get photos but not yet. Picture tells a thousand words right.


Active Member
If they're a great client maybe offer them a mesh banner for free? I'm in the upper midwest, and it's rare to see "solid" site signs.


New Member
DO NOT, REPEAT NOT, MAKE ANY COMMENT TO THE CLIENT THAT YOU MAY HAVE BUILT I INPROPERLY OR DID NOT GET AN ENGINEER TO DESIGN IT. Insurance will declare it is your fault, and the liability on you will rise. You don't know if the sheets blew off and hit someone.

If I were you, I'd delete this thread and just quote the replacement as wind damage and move on. Any adjuster sees this thread and your toast.

its only a freaking sign!