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Wine Logo


New Member
Not that it matters at this point, but here's a take just on the tiles. The real problem as has been stated by Dan and others, is letting the customer dictate the design parameters instead of you setting them for the customer. It's fine to get their ideas and see if you can work with them, but you need to know when to tell them their idea just wont work in all cases.

Just the other day someone said, it's what the customer wanted so that made it ok, Not!


  • RAW.jpg
    85.2 KB · Views: 118


New Member
nice job rj! a lot of the time, a customer comes in with an idea and it can work when put in the hands of a pro. you don't always have to be so literal with the customer's idea. if they want exactly what they bring in, they aren't looking for a professional design, they are looking for a computer operator


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
If you absolutely have to use those awful tiles at least render the text such that it looks like part of the tile and not something stuck on the surface. Here's a 30 second example that could use some tuning...


  • tiles.jpg
    165.6 KB · Views: 103


New Member
Thank you, Thank you...all your designs and ideas are really great...I really appreciate the time you took to answer and design...this is what I've came up with for their business card, as the customers "helped" design over my shoulder...thanks again! Ü


  • logo.jpg
    51.8 KB · Views: 120


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Thank you, Thank you...all your designs and ideas are really great...I really appreciate the time you took to answer and design...this is what I've came up with for their business card, as the customers "helped" design over my shoulder...thanks again! Ü

Using two or more scripts in the same locale is really dubious typography. Other than that it's, shrug, whelming.


New Member
I think it looks like a wine label. I'd move "hand crafted" just a little to the right but that's a pretty small nit to pic.

Circleville Signs

New Member
That is honest to god awful. I drink wine. I wouldn't touch something that looked like that.

The picture of the grapes is blown out badly, especially when compared tot he sharpness of the vector objects in the design.

Read some design books. Tell the customer that if they want to "help" over your shoulder that you are not the right designer for them.

I'm usually not this harsh - but damn - that's bad.


New Member
I truly feel you need to revisit those font choices.
I have been taught never to use two scripts in the same layout, and the RAW is kind of a fancy font too.


New Member
The second option is certainly improved. Get some better looking grapes in there and use something else for the font on the text left and right. Starting to look like a wine label now.