Called 'Barclay Park', it's made from 399 cut-vinyl pieces using just seven colours. Everything is cut-vinyl, from the screw heads in the corners (and the little compression craters around them) to the grey 'primer' showing through in patches all over the sign and a lot more. The text itself has been 'weathered' throughout with some pieces removed altogether. Both highlights and lowlights were then added to the main elements together with some shadowing and a dark green 'halo'.
The boards itself is flat, made from 3/4" plywood which I had grain-filled, primed and sprayed at the local auto 'bodyshop' for around 30. The apparent chunky 'framed' edging and the plank construction complete with splits around the edges of the sign are all cut-vinyl effects - the board itself is completely flat (as can be seen by the reflection of white clouds along the top edge). The overall size is about 3' x 2'6" and the vinyl usage was a little over 6 metres at 500mm wide.
The image shown is Michael R.J.Brown 2003 All rights reserved