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Recent content by KC1990

  1. Upgraded from Dual 1.6 to VW6 on 12th gen i5!

    Running VW6 off a recent upgrade, couldn't agree more! When I got new hardware I installed a font manager. Unused fonts add up over the years and slowed me down. Also stopped saving print files unless they're super common re-ordered items. Just keep the original artwork files (ai ect.) Saves a...
  2. VersaWorks & Illustrator

    Thanks everyone! The EPS Margin setting in VW did the trick! Never had an issue with EPS and gradients/transparencies, however I will start using PDF files.
  3. VersaWorks & Illustrator

    For that I actually just copy the shape, paste in place and send to back as a CutContour spot color. (I use no stroke at all). Using the stroke cut contour method gave me the issue of having double cut lines everywhere, regardless of its positioning (inside, outside).
  4. VersaWorks & Illustrator

  5. VersaWorks & Illustrator

    Running Versaworks 6.19.2 Small issue, but kind of annoying.. Say there's a print with a simple square cut. Create graphics on an artboard (in illustrator) say 24" x 24" CutContour spot as a fill 24" x 24" (I use a fill exactly copied underneath) Everythings perfectly centered to the artboard...
  6. substrates from customers

    I can think of one circumstance. We reface double sided 4' x 4' ACM sheets for a local auction company. Good repeat customer though. I don't even laminate the prints, or peel the old ones, just laminate overtop. They're dropped into a frame and put up on the highway, typically only up for a...
  7. printing on chrome

    Not with UV, but I stock SF100 Mirror Chrome for the Edge FX, and have tried it once in a pinch with Solvent (Roland VG540). Did not work at all, the ink didn't set in and just floated on top.
  8. Rolling up and shipping CAD cut masked vinyl piece

    Roll mask outside, seal in a plastic bag in case the box gets wet.
  9. Font help

    EF Serpentine Serif Bold Italic
  10. 3M40c Peeling

    It's possible. If I get the chance to ask I will. Thanks for your insight!
  11. 3M40c Peeling

    THIS! I thought the laminate looked like the culprit too! I'll take a look at the tension. I don't think i'll go back to 40c either way, so thank you for the material suggestions.
  12. 3M40c Peeling

    Have to agree. A fella needs to be able to stand behind his work. Appreciate your input!
  13. 3M40c Peeling

    Thanks Boudica. I am aware. It appears a little too "Removable" considering it's rated for flat vehicle use.
  14. Vinyl by the yard

    In Canada I use ND Graphics and they sell quite a few products by the yard.
  15. 3M40c Peeling

    I've used 3M 40c paired with 8509 laminate for years and never had an issue with it on flat surfaces. Vehicles are a different story. Especially work/service trucks. Here's a photo of what happens. This started 6 months or so after decal application and got worse over the course of 12 months...