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Recent content by Solego

  1. Sign remake

    I see.
  2. Sign remake

    I do appreciate the time and effort you took to exercise your literary skills. Would you be willing to opine regarding the question stated above?
  3. Sign remake

    I took the overwhelming advice and worked on the kerning. It only took me an hour. How does it look?
  4. Sign remake

    I just paid for a subscription to Signcraft today. I am going to go back and adjust the kerning of those letters. It didn't bother me because I didn't look at it from your viewpoint. Now I have and have learned something new. Thank you everyone for your insight and compliments. I do have enough...
  5. Sign remake

    I'm trying really hard to take that as constructive criticism. So, thank you for your advice to continue to build on basic skills in Illustrator.
  6. Sign remake

    The lion's head logo is a vector created by the guy who does their website. He gave it to me free to use for the sign. I would like to have a border but am not talented enough to create the shape of the sign in illustrator.
  7. Sign remake

    Hello everyone This will be my first paying job for an actual sign. I was given free reign to come up with a new design for this school. I am new at this, so anything you say will be helpful. This is the original sign: Here is my attempt at a redesign. The lion's head is the new logo and the...
  8. Another font help thread.

    Would anybody be willing to part with their knowledge and tell me what font this is? Thanx! Mike
  9. Layout critique

    All the help I have recieved so far has been much more than I expected! Thank you everybody for all the input. You have certainly given me much more to think about for design other than slapping some letters on a trailer and calling it a day. Where does everybody source their clipart like the...
  10. Layout critique

    I'm amazed at how such a simple design can make such a huge visual impact. This really shows the difference between a professional and an amateur like myself.
  11. Layout critique

    That is definitely beyond my skill level. I don't think I would even know how to design that Illustrator.
  12. Layout critique

    You guys have been extremely helpful. I'm going to give it another crack on the layout with everyone's advice and come back with what I hope to be an improvement. Now, what about drop shadows? Without reading the book suggested, what are some good color combos? Mike
  13. Layout critique

    Thanks for the feedback. What color combinations would you suggest? And what do you think about the red secondary text? I am not so sure about it. It's bright and easy to see. But, I worry it may be too bright and blur out when people try to read it from afar.
  14. Layout critique

    Is it gonna be that bad?
  15. Layout critique

    Good afternoon all I am doing a cut vinyl job for a friend's business. I am not a graphic artist by any means, nor do I have any formal design education. I would like some feedback, if you would be so kind, so that I may improve my skills and expand my knowledge. Feel free to be mean and call...