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  • Hello there!
    Where to find photopolymer backed with PETG sheet???
    i have not received and reply from the members :(
    pls help if you can :)
    Dear Pancake Man, It is with heartfelt apologies I post this message. It was very silly of me to think that a pancake with a crown and black belt was not credible. And I should have known, that as a pancake, it would "batter" your ego...
    Hey iceracer...my TKD instructor lives in Margaretsville. You know any Durlings?
    Let me know when you're in town.
    I'll have to drop by and say hello one day. I'm in Toronto, but travel to NS at Christmas time. My wife has relatives in Margaretsville.
    Ah....it's just silly stuff that comes with the forum software I suppose. Anyway....now you have a "friend". Someday you may even be as popular as me....Ihave half a dozen or so. LOL
    My Brother in law had a pullin' tractor a while back. A kind of "lunatic fringe" hobby..... and so loud!
    Thanks for the friend request, I'd like to think I have some freinds around here I guess just no official ones. I will try and e-mail you a bigger pic of the tractor.

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