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Search results

  1. Susan G. Komen

    Can anyone direct me to where I can find the branding guidelines/logo(s) for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure?
  2. Robots made from sans-serif fonts

  3. Keming

    Ironic Sans has coined a new term: Keming: the result of improper kerning. I love it. Here's the link: http://www.ironicsans.com/2008/02/idea_a_new_typography_term.html
  4. Need help opening an Autocad file

    I have an Autocad file that is of too new a version for Flexi to parse. Will anyone convert this to a pdf, eps, etc for me?
  5. Font Talk

    So we've talked a bit in the past about the serious over-use of fonts like Comic Sans and, more recently, Papyrus. The new culprit is Copperplate. I'm seeing this everywhere--from logos to signs to ads to TV shows. What gives? I'm also seeing a ton of "Balloon" on signs--not a good thing...
  6. Help with font ID...

    I thought this was an Arial or Swiss Rouned, but I was wrong. Any ideas?
  7. Illustrator CS2

    Is anyone willing to convert a CS2 file to CS or earlier for me? I tried to place the file into an existing document in CS, but it rasterized the file.
  8. '48-'52 Ford Pickup

    Looking for vector clipart of a '48-'52 Ford Truck. Any ideas of where to purchase? I looked at Express, but didn't find one.
  9. Need Illustrator CS2 file converted...

    Is anyone willing to convert a CS2 file for me? I have Illustrator CS, but it won't open this particular .eps. It's a 552k line-art file.
  10. Corel Essentials 2, Version 2

    A client sent me a logo in this format. I'm not familiar with this program. Would anyone be willing to open this format and backsave it to Corel 9 or so?
  11. Help with a font

    Any ideas on the "National Association...." font?
  12. Mimaki CG 130 FX Cutting Strip...

    Does anyone have a source for the rubber cutting strip on Mimaki plotters? It is a 3/8" strip. We replace these from time to time, and Mimaki's price is ridiculous. It's only a strip of rubber. Does anyone sell bulk rubber that we can cut down to length?
  13. Ford Thunderbird Emblem

    I am doing a few show cards for a gentleman that shows Thunderbirds. Where can I find a 1957 era Ford Thunderbird emblem? The emblem will only be a few inches wide on the card, so a vector version is not a must--a decent raster image will do. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  14. Need Font ID...

    Is this a font? It wouldn't take long to vectorize, but just checking...
  15. Font ID

    Any ideas on this one?
  16. Is is just me...

    Is it just me, or is Papyrus the new Comic Sans? I am seeing this font everywhere. Very over-used...
  17. Not much to work with...

    Can anyone identify this font? I know I haven't given you much to work with, but this is all I have! Thanks.