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Search results

  1. Font help please

    Need help with the smaller text
  2. looking for technical name!

    Wow I'm impressed. How did you know that?
  3. Font Help

    Can't find this one any where.
  4. Help Font Id

    Thanks thanks
  5. Help Font Id

    I know this looks like a very basic font, but I cannot find a basic font with perfectly round circles in the "d" "o" "a" "p" etc.
  6. Free texture files...

    The more the merrier. Thanks for the post.
  7. Mutoh Falcon Owners

    I need 2 of the little filters that go in the capping station. Does anyone have a couple they could spare or know where I cna order them?
  8. Outline around outline in Corel?

    Thanks everybody all the suggestions worked great.
  9. Outline around outline in Corel?

    Anybody know how to get htis effect? The text then white space then it's like a partial outline.
  10. Need Font ID

    Customer says it's called Irish, but I can't find it.
  11. New Merchant Member - GraphiXtreme

    Much success Chris. You deserve it. You've helped so many so many times with your insights.
  12. LAMINATOR price

    I just orded a brand new Base 54 for much less than $8000. Call Gina Springs at Grimco and see what she can do for you.
  13. LAMINATOR price

    Which model? That price is high if it is the Base 54.
  14. Valuejet

    Comparison info http://www.mutoh.com/products/ValueJet/ValueJet%20Comparison%202_files/slide0004.htm
  15. Valuejet

    How fast is fast? Does anyone have any specs on the speed? I spec are not not very accurate, but it's starting point. Is the Valuejet faster than the JV3?
  16. VMP Won't cut

    No. The dongle version has no registration number. Thank God. I hated that system.
  17. VMP Won't cut

    I'm running the dongle version of VMP. All of a sudden when I send jobs to cut, they don't show up in my cut que. When I send a test cut to the plotter it cuts fine. I'm waithing for a call back from tech support, but last time that took 2 days.
  18. Font help please

    Can't find this one anywhere.
  19. Font Help

    Thanks Everyone
  20. Font Help

    It looks simple, but I just can't match it exactly.