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  1. T

    This solution does nothing to break down one shot enamel. I found some genuine turpentine and...

    This solution does nothing to break down one shot enamel. I found some genuine turpentine and the difference was remarkable. It broke down the one shot.
  2. 1-shot Cleaning Brushes

    I bought a brand of brush cleaner at Walmart “ klean strip. It did not clean my brushes and did nothing. I believe several are ruined now - even after the oil treatment they have a few hard hairs after sitting. I will not sway away from good old turpentine now.
  3. T

    Sadly no one responded to my original post on cleaning brushes. Is turpentinendifferentbthan...

    Sadly no one responded to my original post on cleaning brushes. Is turpentinendifferentbthan brush cleaner. After searching the web I do find they are differen. Brush cleaner can be anything. As a result of this I think I ruined my good lettering quills.