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Search results

  1. Just In Paycheck Protection Program Application

    Thanks for posting that. Ive been waiting on that one....huge help. :thankyou:
  2. Onyx not recognising CutContour text layer

    Check your transparency settings and or printable layer on/off. Open in illustrator and check that information in there as well. Could be your spot color isn't being seen properly. We run into similar issues with Caldera. Typically its transparency to high res or PS Lvl3 setting.
  3. Help on the way: CARE Act

    There is a lot of info there. I applied for the Disaster loan of $10k already that's almost automatically forgiven for businesses thru SBA online. That was called the COVID 19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan. That was pretty easy to fill out. The CARES act was more involved from what I saw. I...
  4. Hi all I'm new to the forum

    Howdy from NJ!
  5. UV printer coating uv prints

    Cast and a good calendared both hold up well for us on THIN and FLAT substrates. Remember, the extrusion of the plastic makes a difference. Normally we don't liquid coat but have used Marabu acrylic with reasonably good results. Again trial by error with liquid coating.
  6. UV printer coating uv prints

    We do a couple film laminates for sure on our AGFA printer as well for thinner substrates and never an issue.
  7. Question Agfa Anapurna MW White Ink

    Older units...Vutek...AGFA...etc. all had (and still have) recirculating pumps. Ours is air driven on our newest unit.
  8. UV printer coating uv prints

    You have to test what clear coats are out there and compatible with your inks. Its really a trial and error method with your particular inks unless Vanguard has already done the testing and recommends a particular brand. Some of them recede back like orange peel and look like hell. Some lay...
  9. Help on the way: CARE Act

    Great information. IM awaiting confirmation from my accountant and payroll person as to how to apply. Ive got 4 employees...plus myself.
  10. Print ( GREY ) without spot color ?

    I don't know about the die electric grease...its not a battery terminal or anything. Check the connectors and make sure they're clean.
  11. Print ( GREY ) without spot color ?

    The nozzles are there....there shouldn't be a loss in density though. Misalignment would be obvious. Almost thinking is electrical. Did you reseat your ribbon cable on the PH's? We see issues from time to time where the jet test gets wonky and its an electrical glitch. We reseat the ribbons...
  12. Print ( GREY ) without spot color ?

    That doesnt explain the warmth of the gray/black though.
  13. Direct Print to Acrylic - Volume

    He's looking at a hybrid printer there. The most efficient way is full sheets vs precut. A true flatbed, doing individual pre-cut is advantageous with the ability to pin your registration for each pre-cut pc. the FB5XX series is slow on the white ink/cmyk output.
  14. Direct Print to Acrylic - Volume

    Im going to disagree with some of you guys on the router then print portion. We do a lot of this. Print 2nd surface on the acrylic first then router. Caldera has the Mirror all option now and you can print everything 2nd sided. Our inks and router do a great job on the DA acrylics. If you are...
  15. Windows 10 updates

    We are running Win 10 Pro. Had an update issue with it on Wednesday where the update stopped file sharing. Couldn't get files to our router table anymore...wanted to put my fist thru the monitor. Figured it out finally and reset the sharing permissions. PITA
  16. Question Prepping Signs For Digital Printing

    Wipe with Iso 91% and then dry and buff out. Looks great when you print..... Personally, I spray directly ONTO the aluminum or coro or anything else Im cleaning that way. Its amazing how you see fingerprints or hand swipes on non masked substrates. Do not let the Iso sit on the substrate.
  17. Well, they agree.. checks for everyone

    The whole process in our government took too long to get going. We are at least a month behind where we should have been...when this lit up overseas, preparations should have been begun then. When this was name a so called "hoax" is when plans should have been put in place to begin dealing...
  18. Looking for wholesale traffic signs

    We could always print the reflective for you to mount onto an aluminum blank. Thats a cheaper shipping option. If you need a certain shape of blank, Grimco or other sources could provide you the one you need. I know Grimco ships for free above a certain amount of order....at least for us.
  19. Print ( GREY ) without spot color ?

    Cyan doesn't turn prints pink or warm. UNLESS your Cyan or LC PH isnt firing correctly.
  20. Signs365 Alternative??

    We do loads of reflective and always stock it. 3m and other brands.