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Search results

  1. Suggestions Help! I cannot seem to print gray in RVW without it being grainy

    Thank you netsol for your reply. I am not very knowledgeable about having the proper profiles and am sort of new to things. What would I need to do to set up the appropriate profile to minimize this effect?
  2. Suggestions Help! I cannot seem to print gray in RVW without it being grainy

    I do a lot of labels as part of my business and when it comes to smaller print in gray it comes out grainy almost a speckled look. How can I achieve a full color gray even if it is in small lettering. When I use cmyk it turns out brown and the same with rgb. I have tried running the print on...
  3. what paint to use for adhesive vinyl

    I have a customer that wants to use the back side of his old sign to make it new. It is MDO and needs a little sanding but what it the best paint to use so that the graphics will adhere well to it when it's done? I will be using regular Arlon die cut vinyl. Thanks anyone?