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Search results

  1. Projecting Costs

    The UV aspect is new to me, but I've got some experience with this sort of thing, and one of my friends works in the display industry. But I'm definitely coming around to this line of thinking. If everything goes well, wrestling with a printer all day isn't an ideal use of time. Thanks for...
  2. Projecting Costs

    Thanks for the help. I'm still working on the product design now, but once I get a little further along I'll give you a call.
  3. Projecting Costs

    I was thinking about that initially, and I'm sure it makes more sense financially at this stage. I guess I need to look further into the patents and legal side of things before I turn the whole idea over to someone.
  4. Projecting Costs

    Hello, So I have an idea for a product and I'm on the brink of jumping into the printing industry. I've got an accounting background, so by nature, I'm hesitant to sink a significant investment without at least being able to ballpark some sales/cost projections. I'd like to get an idea as far...