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Search results

  1. I thought I did this yesterday!

    :Welcome: :thumb:
  2. New guy here

    :signs101: :Welcome: 's you
  3. What the Font!@#%#

    After starring at it for a while the logo says RUIZ'S PIZZA which i think is a terrible name for a place... to many izses (ex. im going to eat at ruizzesseszzeszezzz pizzzza):wine-smi:
  4. Omega 2.0 to AutoCad

    its an email error, its happened to me before recieving customer files, tell them to zip it and it should work. :thumb:
  5. What the Font!@#%#

    looks like it says RL!!Z'S PIZZA :Big Laugh
  6. newbie

    :Welcome: 2:signs101:
  7. What the Font!@#%#

    MY EYES!!!
  8. Advice on cutter...

    I have a Master 24".... *runs from the rioting crowd*
  9. New Panthers

    what does an Optical Eye Sensor do?
  10. Corel Draw and Flexi

    i thought i saw someone say that they use cocut pro for corel, its a plugin that lets you cut from corel draw?:help:
  11. Flexi Printing

    PMS=Pantone colors? :thumb:
  12. Illustrator Printing

    Try using PMS colors (Pantone) :thumb:
  13. New to sign biz..

    :Welcome: Kim :thumb:
  14. First time caller...

    :Welcome: Burek :thumb:
  15. Total Noobie....

  16. New to Signs101

    :Welcome: :help: :thumb:
  17. flexisign pro won't import AI

    You must deny everything and turn back into your alter ego. your secret identity is safe now. :glasses:
  18. flexisign pro won't import AI

  19. Adobe Studio CS v2 - When?

    Adobe upgrades to fast! to many upgrades, so little time + cash!!! >:O
  20. todays mid-day newbie

    :Welcome: Stephanie :thumb: