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Search results

  1. What's this font?

    Edwardian with swashes??
  2. Getting started short list

    It all depends on what you will be doing, but since you purchased the Graphtec i assume you will only be doing vinyl cut signs and i think this is what you need to start your business other than skills and creativity. Good luck
  3. New to site

    Welcome Rayan!
  4. Newwbers hehe

  5. Another newbie

  6. Two companies in town use this one

    Glad i was able to help.
  7. Extreme Makeover Design Contest

    He sure didn't waste any space on that sign:Big Laugh
  8. Hello!

  9. hi all from the netherlands

    Welcome Gerard!
  10. i should know this font.....but i dont

    Bermuda Solid but i think the "R" is tweaked ?
  11. Font(s) ID.....

    SMG is "ITC Caslon 224 Black Italic"
  12. Font Help!

    thanks Shovel!
  13. Font Help!

    can't find a match. any help? thanks
  14. font ID...............

    You're right it's not that easy, the closest i came to was "Balboa Wide-Black" or "URW Linear T Ultra Bold Extra Wide"
  15. Air bubbles under vinyl

    I agree with Marlene, you will always have bubbles no matter what, unfortunately in our trade we do have 2 enemies: dust and bubbles or at least those my biggest enemies anyway, if you are a perfectionist like me then you wouldn't tolerate neither one of them, i do prefer laying my vinyl on dry...
  16. Font ID please!

    nope, i tried that one already, thanks for trying to help me tho.
  17. Font ID please!

    Unfortunately not!