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Search results

  1. Real easy font ID

    This one looks almost like Eurostile... Definitely not the same font is what is in the OP's pic...
  2. Is it possible to get a print quality screenshot or screen-capture?

    Here's another thought: using a single image from a video is like excerpting a paragraph from a book which falls under the provision of "fair use" -- not needing permission.
  3. Second Monitor Suggestions Anyone?

    keep an eye out on Dell's site for sales on their UltraSharp monitors. Same display technology (In-Plane-Switching) as Apple monitors. Currently, they have the this on sale, reg 279.00, on sale now for 229.00, but I've managed to snag three of these for the shop once when they were on for...
  4. Real easy font ID

    on my computer, the "3" is in Verdana... but that is just my browser... :)
  5. Sign Company Names

    ...applies to digital tech, as well... two bits is a quarter of a byte...
  6. Is it possible to get a print quality screenshot or screen-capture?

    Not sure what kind of video file you are working with but consider using VLC (videolan.org) to extract your frame from the vid. VLC will play virtually every known vid format and can slow down video and single-step through the frames and can also dump a single frame at full resolution to a png...
  7. Sign Company Names

    Well, I would be surprised if your "ownership" of the number 7446 extended across all prefixes of the 813 area code preventing someone, say, from having the number 813-229-7446 or 813-551-7446 or ... you get the idea....
  8. Sign Company Names

    for the entire area code? are you sure? or maybe just for a certain area code + prefix?
  9. 60 Minutes on Steve Jobs... aaah that's better!

    "Get Quicktime!" Ummm... no thanks.
  10. Sign Company Names

    My new favourite... "Yes, sir... would you like that low, medium or high-tack, sir... ?"
  11. Sign Company Names

    Yup -- like children, we are, with no direction... :tongue:
  12. 60 Minutes on Steve Jobs... aaah that's better!

    I don't doubt that areas of the brain remain "somewhat" accessible -- I just doubt how useful that really might be. In fact, might be a hindrance to getting everyday things done. I once attended a lecture given by Timothy Leary on the emerging uses of computers. He mostly just rambled and...
  13. Because we don't eat real food...

    Question... Why do chicken coops always have just two doors? Because if they had three or four doors, then they would be hatchbacks or sedans....
  14. Because we don't eat real food...

    Yes... its possible to store carrots in a sand box in a cool, dry place, like a root cellar and eat fresh, delicious carrots all winter longer right up to April. Cabbages -- which are very good for you -- last a long time, as well... Google it -- lots of info out there.
  15. Because we don't eat real food...

    Google is your friend... there is an overwhelming amount of stuff on keeping chickens and building chicken coops. The best coop that one can have is a movable coop that has a enclosed outdoor range. Move it once a week and let your chickens clean and condition and fertilize your land in prep...
  16. Sign Company Names

    I vote for Nosnarb... :thumb:
  17. Because we don't eat real food...

    The difference it makes is not how much longer one lives, its rather how much healthier one is when one gets on... and there are many who fervently wish for better health when they age... Anyone can enjoy a higher quality of life if they changed their diets to a much higher proportion of...
  18. Work table tops

    getting about 4-5 years life out of our cutting mats... way easier on blades and I know I would really miss the grid if I no longer had it...
  19. Because we don't eat real food...

    Huh? Legumes? As in peas, beans, lentils... etc.... ????? All great nitrogen-fixing plants...
  20. A Very Sad Day

    Thunder Bay, eh? Is there a fellow named Dan on a boat named Gatekeeper out where you are?