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Search results

  1. Hello from Alberta, Canada

    Welcome from Red Deer...
  2. Font i.d.

    FOREST SERVICE, DEPT OF..... -- Copperplate US -- Chehltenham BdCn might just be close enough
  3. Font help please

    Uppercase letters are Boulevard -- lowercase letters are Vivaldi...
  4. Throw me a lifeline here, font id?

    I hear ya... :)
  5. Throw me a lifeline here, font id?

    There is a very close similarity to Kaufmann/Koffee, etc... but the lower case letters in the sample have much rounder swoops to them than the angular shapes that Kaufmann has... Maybe this is just a function of the low-res rasterized version or maybe the sample is from an altered knock-off...
  6. Anybody know this one?

  7. TraceMyIp.org

    Why would I ask my customers how they found me? They obviously did somehow when they walked in the door. I'm not going to insult them or question their navigation skills by asking them how in the world did they get here?... I think you are just spying and just trying to make it sound like...
  8. TraceMyIp.org

    So, that is like spying... just like big stores that want your phone number when you're paying cash at the till...
  9. TraceMyIp.org

    Oh, I see... so, you're tracking not the websites themselves, but the visitors to your websites. Kind of like spying?
  10. TraceMyIp.org

    When you say "tracking your websites", what exactly are you talking about?
  11. Questions about a 20'x40" banner double sided

    What Gino Said. Especially this... "If you can't wait for right the banner to come in, that doesn't automatically give you a green light to make something sub-standard to whatever you want to do."
  12. colorspan 72uvx

    Huh? You have bearings in your head? Are you like The Stig? :ROFLMAO:
  13. Help with a font ID please

    What you could do is compress a lighter version of Bank Gothic to the desired width, then compensate for the screwy vertical/horizontal stroke widths by applying an elongated stroke (outline) and playing with it until the overall weight and stroke widths look proper...
  14. colorspan 72uvx

    very good post, Tony...
  15. Pretty Sweet!!

    Why are you asking this in this thread? Why don't you create a new thread in the appropriate sub-forum?
  16. colorspan 72uvx

    Dave... I think the UVX and UVR are the same printer except the X is set up to take material that is thicker than what the UVR can print. I think everything else is the same. I think.
  17. Font ID

  18. ColorSpan 72UVX - What to do with used unit?

    I have two, but they are spoken for -- (in a fantastic future) my brother and I are going to build a plasma cutting table and that big aluminum extrusion the trolley runs on will be our gantry and the trolley plates will carry the plasma heads... But you should see my post in your other thread...
  19. colorspan 72uvx

    hahahahahahah...... Don't do it. Here's a true story... After one year (past warranty) of using our 72uvr, same thing happened, but it wasn't the bottom bearing-- it was one of the top ones -- and they wanted $900 for a new trolley plate. Well, I spent the money cuz I didn't know any...
  20. Help with a font ID please

    That sure does look like a narrower version Bank Gothic, doesn't it?