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Search results

  1. Taken the PLUNGE to MERCHANT LEVEL!!

    Welcome! Nice looking products, especially that pergola frame!
  2. Need help finding high tack vinyl.

    +1 for the Convex or Pitbull, it's about the only thing that will stick to a Port-a-potty
  3. Anyone experience printer just hanging up?

    Both our JV3 and our JV33 do this every once in a rare while. On the JV3, I've found if we put it into local for a few minutes and then back into remote it seems to fix it most of the time and it continues to print. For the JV33 the only remedy I've seen is to just turn off the printer and turn...
  4. setting up the rip to print

    So just out of morbid curiosity and because a lot of people responded that they are tiling in their design program, why? Does your particular RIP not give you sufficient control over panel size or overlap to feel comfortable doing it there? I'm just surprised that the response has been to do it...
  5. setting up the rip to print

    You should be able to panel the design in Versaworks.
  6. Seeking suggestions on print shop renovations

    1200 s.f. is tiny but workable if you arrange things creatively. You didn't mention if you intend to have work tables in there for finishing so I'll assume not. Definitely enclose the router and install a good dust collection system in that room. Climate control the entire space, printers are...
  7. Is this a fellow signs 101'er?

    hahahahahahahahaha that's the strangest thing I've ever seen, but hysterical none the less! Definitely looks like Mosh has been drinkin' on the job again!!!
  8. Wondering how many would be interested...

    Doug, I think you hit the nail on the head. To take it a bit further, I believe ego plays a part in this as well. Most of the people who are the "technician" types started a business so they could be that technician under their own free will, regardless of if they can actually run that business...
  9. New Owners of the HP L25500

    So from a marketability standpoint how is it being received? Are your customers caring that it's "green" technology" or are they not concerned with it? Are people resistant to spending more for some of the recyclable or biodegradable medias and substrates available or are you finding people...
  10. New Owners of the HP L25500

    Realistically do you see it as a viable replacement for solvent inks, leaving the eco-friendly aspect out of the equation? Better, equal, not quite as good as solvent? From what I'm hearing it almost sounds too good to be true but I haven't found the catch yet. Maybe there really isn't one...
  11. Printech Website

    Overall I like it, very clean and simple. The only thing I don't like are the images. I understand you can't display alot of work, we're in the same boat, but I'd still try to find better images than what you have, none of them really scream (or even whisper) what you do. I think with better...
  12. Wondering how many would be interested...

    Good points Dan, especially about the sign companies turned marketing agencies. I've noticed that trend lately. Not everybody can be the next Dan Antonelli. Signs are in the same universe as marketing, but that's where the similarity ends, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people push...
  13. Anybody going to this?

    Anybody thinking about going to the Brand Manage Camp this year? http://www.brandmanagecamp.com/ We wanted to go last year but learned about it a little too late, from what I hear though it's a fantastic experience. We're considering flying out this year, we don't often go to many...
  14. Protek.

    I think you have to look at it a little to hard to read the RC. What if you added a stroke or something to the RC to make it pop just a little more? Or the same drop shadow effect used on the Pro part? It just looks out of place as is.
  15. Bulk Ink Systems...Why Don't OEMs use it?

    We've tried two different brands of aftermarket ink in the past, it just wasn't worth it, even with the cost savings. People argue that if you're saving 35% on the ink you can justify the replacement heads, etc., but what I can't justify is the downtime for those breakdowns, the wasted time...
  16. Wondering how many would be interested...

    Jon, I read this as thoroughly as time allowed on my lunch hour, but it seems like the majority of any of my own thoughts or questions have already been up and addressed in the above posts. I'll just throw out a enthusiastic YES this is much needed, and to the right person, has enormous value...
  17. Feedback on GraphixCalc

    A word of advice on Cyrious... don't register on their site or call and ask any questions unless you literally want to be hounded to death by their salespeople.
  18. New Owners of the HP L25500

    So overall how is the scratch resistance of these inks on regular gloss vinyl? How well does it hold up to any sort of solvents, from Rapid Tac to Alcohol? We're seriously considering the 25500 as a replacement for our aging JV3 but I'm concerned about ink durability compared to solvent ink...
  19. Banners.

    PM sent
  20. It's offical
