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Search results

  1. Font ID Please!!!

    ITC Officina Sans
  2. Ai files to Corel Draw

    hmmmmm..... I find that the only PostScript files that my Onyx RIP will rip reliably are EPS files exported from Corel. Everything else that I get, whether it be EPSs from some CS app, PDFs from any source -- I have to check carefully for any hiccups. PDFs made from MS products, especially MS...
  3. Font???

    So that's what it was... heh, heh... I knew that... :)
  4. font help please.

    Impress BT
  5. Ai files to Corel Draw

    +10 jpgs are evil.... TIF image saved either with no compression or LZW compression (non-lossy) -- can't go wrong with that....
  6. Font ID Please

    Looks like it could be Franklin Gothic Condensed
  7. Dry erase dilema

    find a supplier that has 2mil DE film... it does exist... also... I always use transfer tape with it... and yes, it is still a pain... But when it goes down well, the results can look quite nice.
  8. ID Please

  9. CoroPlast Printer

    we have one of these -- well worth the money.... http://www.keencut.com/uk/products/cutter-bars/javelin.aspx
  10. CoroPlast Printer

    not a bad idea, really... they're going to be a lot cheaper than what we paid for one and Gerber has assured me they are keeping a full stock of parts for them and ink supplies will not dry up in five years like many are babbling, and the ink has the best adhesion to coro. I'd say, not a bad...
  11. Need to recreate this font

    Times New Roman bold italic....
  12. Font ID request

    Bookman Bold that has been squished....
  13. Font help please

    ionsigns: I agree....
  14. Font help please

    I said what I said.... It is NOT the Condensed version of Myriad Black (Myriad Black Condensed), but rather it is the "non-condensed" version of Myriad Black that has subsequently been squished.
  15. Font Help Pleas :)

    Helvetica Bold stretched out, printed at low res, then scanned and traced at low quality setting, and then.. for good measure.. a few more nodes removed........
  16. Font ID Please

    Some form of Bookman looks very close... there are differences, but the G looks so bad that I'm thinking this is someone's hand-plotted version of what they remembered Bookman to be.
  17. Font help please

    Myriad Pro Black that has been squished. It is not Myriad Pro Black Condensed.
  18. College Student Needs Help.

    You are in a business communications class? 'are' should be 'our' and when writing, single-digit numbers should be spelled out... '4 page' should be 'four-page' I didn't bother to read any further than that... I hope this helps your effort....
  19. Open House Font

    Looks hand drawn/painted... the two e's are different... <edit> re-reading yields that you are looking for something similar... sorry, missed that first time....
  20. Need help with this font

    It looks every bit like Univers, except the O, e and c (rounded letters) should be not quite as round-shaped. Its probably a Univers knock-off....