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Search results

  1. RapidTac Is Our Newest Merchant Member!

    Roger, I have to admit that I love your RT2, It has saved my @$$ on more than one windy occasion. I have a quick question and I hate to be a :thread but I have a 1996 Dodge half ton that has some white vinyl stripes on it that are cracking on the roof and tailgate. Would Rapid Remover remove...
  2. Took the CS2 plunge...

    Hey George, I'm by no means an expert but once an image has been selected and rasterized, the adobe plugins should be available for your disposal in the bitmap drop down menu. Here's a shortcut to something that may help you...http://printingdigital.net/forums/showthread.php?t=206. Hope it works.
  3. Hi from Alberta

    Hello Mark, I'm in Alberta too. Little hamlet called Blackfoot, just outside of Lloydminster. I'm also relatively new to the industry, having been runnin the vinyl for just over 2 years.:Canada 2:
  4. Newbie saying hi.

    Welcome from Alberta
  5. Hello from TN

    C'mon in Gary, the water's fine. :thumb: Welcome from Canada.
  6. Last login Jan. 2005

    Welcome to the party from Canada. :Canada 2:
  7. Long Time Lurker

    Glad to have you here Whit.
  8. Real fire CD?

    Oh, Have I!!! Yes, very tempting stuff. but can you just use them as a fill or background on a separate piece of work? Eg. digitally printed vehicle decals? or is this available in some form from aurora or something similar?
  9. Real fire CD?

    If I didn't lack the printing capabilities, I'd say sign me up. I live in an oilfield driven area and flames are always popular around here.
  10. Hope someone can help....

    They would but... I'm bored, and they're 2 hundred kilometers away.
  11. Hope someone can help....

    Modified dark crystal looks like to me. Any others have a closer match?
  12. Hope someone can help....

    My Sis-in-law bought a truck and had some accessories added on, anyways, they put the sticker on the window in a bad position and she wants a replacement made for the old one. Any idea on the font? Thanks in advance Kevin
  13. Competition for the Versacamm

    Thanks. But what about blade stick out... I keep my blade quite short to the holder, just long enough to cut 3 mil material without dragging. This would definitely be not enough. How far out would you leave your blade tip?
  14. Competition for the Versacamm

    When You print, laminate and cut a job, do you have to adjust blade pressure to cut through both vinyl and overlaminate? Just curious...
  15. Hello, from the great white north...

    Glad you found your way here, it's a gold mine of information.:Welcome:
  16. Ayuh, nuther newB

  17. Sort of new - guy

    Welcome.... From the Great White (finally melting) North.
  18. New To Here

    Hey Dale... Let me be the first to welcome you. This place is absolutely chock full of knowledge virtually oozing from the walls. I love it, I believe you will to.
  19. New to the Sign Business

    Congrats :Canada 2: Welcome from up north.
  20. Trouble cutting Electrocut film

    I'm glad you found a good fix for your situation. I don't know how many times I've had problems solved in here without even asking a question. A little bit of back reading (ok... alot) and suffice it to say, this place constantly amazes me.