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Search results

  1. cartoon font ID....

  2. CX and Bitstream Navigator...

    anyone else get this quirk??? When COREL is open and I access Bitstream, CX locks up for a while. Anyone?....Anyone????....Anyone???
  3. Font ID

  4. Photoshop masking plugin..............

    anyone try this yet??? http://www.vertustech.com/
  5. Need .EPS file opened.....

    I have a file that might be corrupt or it was MAC generated. I can't open it in any program. Can someone give it a try for me please? Thank you
  6. SPAM filter.........

    FREE and very user friendly. http://www.codeode.com/spamfilter/
  7. cable/DSL optimizer...

    I found this a while back and have been having great results without having to bother tweaking the XP registry. I've had the best results with clicking the "optimal settings" radio button on the bottom right hand corner. http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php and to optimize bandwidth...
  8. I.D. please..............

    appreciate your effort.
  9. Can someone open a CAD file......

    and save it as a .WMF and mail it back to me please? Would appreciate very much. Thank you in advance.
  10. (LOGO) Can someone..........

    point me in the right direction for a vectored USSC (United States Sign Council) logo please?? :thankyou:
  11. Vectorizing software

    http://www.siame.com/ this is good stuff
  12. Font: recognize it, but can't name it.

  13. Font help please.....

  14. Nijmwegan??

    I can't find this while doing a search. Customer insists that this is the spelling. It is similar to Aachen. Thank You
  15. Recognize these fonts please???

  16. Vectorizing..........

    for the lazy or inept.......... here's a before and after...including tracing, scanning, vectorizing in COREL CX and adding a little color...I've spent an hour getting to this point. It's not difficult. Try it...you'll like it.
  17. Font?

  18. Font????

    I used this font years age....KALLOS came to mind but Linotype offers a serif times romanish font.... anything close???
  19. California CLosets font????

  20. Anyone???....anyone???

    I'm suprised it's not being identified on myfonts.com search. :Coffee: :Coffee: :Coffee: