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Search results

  1. $1500 shaper origin handheld cnc router at the end of this month who's buying?

    Jimmy Diresta Just released a video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3ahfDFHo3g
  2. SC-545EX Question

    I have a 745ex and there is a sensor at the front of the machine that reads the edge, maybe your sensor is not working? I guess after the printer measures you could track the media back..
  3. Trouble with Fine Cut 8

    Did any firmwares get updated on machines or drawing programs - I have found that sometimes when things auto update it messes up more than it fixes
  4. Mimaki CG-160fx Plotter trouble

    Also - On My cutter my blade is sticking out about 3/4 the thickness of a credit card and my pressure is @ 100 for Oracal 651 Cut vinyl - for cutting Print and laminated my pressure is 130 - same blade. i use a 45 degree
  5. Mimaki CG-160fx Plotter trouble

    Hmm - If you have set the cutting parameters on the Mimaki itself and checked "none" in Flexi and it still doesnt work, and you have Checked "CT1" in Flexi and tried those setting and it still doesnt work and your blade is sticking out of the holder correctly. It is the correct blade type -...
  6. Mimaki CG-160fx Plotter trouble

    In Flexi Production manager are you telling it to use Flexi Plotter settings or Your actual Plotter Settings? Can you take a picture of your plotter blade holder and blade?
  7. Corel Gurus

    Thanks for all the responses.. I just wanted a nice consistent pattern so I could cut it out.. I decided not to worry about it and just cut away freehand.. This is going to be layed down on grass and all the half moons will be painted then I will lift the pattern up connect the dots and fill in
  8. Hello from Indiana

    Welcome..not too far from ya here in Elkhart
  9. Corel Gurus

    Wow.. I will try that tomorrow... Thanks!
  10. Corel Gurus

    But doesn't it make it look fast..haha
  11. Corel Gurus

    Worth a shot - I dont have to have them there at all was just a thought
  12. Boat Wrapping problem with cleaning boat.

    Yes that is what I meant - sorry
  13. Corel Gurus

    Im wanting those half moons to wrap around the inside of the letters and swoosh automatically.. Not sure if you can or how to do it if you can
  14. Corel Gurus

    In CorelDraw I use X7 is there a way to make an object follow the inside of an object. I am creating a very large paint pattern for the infield grass and i wanted to make the cutout in the pattern visible. I have attached an image showing what I want to do. I could hand draw them all in but...
  15. Boat Wrapping problem with cleaning boat.

    Kinda off topic but when you wrap boats how do you get the correct angle of the boat going upto the hull. I did a partial boat wrap and when trying to make it strat going up to the hull I had to either shoot the graphics straight up and end it short or cut and splice Thanks
  16. Monument Signage Design - How to Fabricate

    You can build the cabinet out of aluminum angle or aluminum square tube. Then skin the framework with aluminum or polymetal.. Pretty simple really
  17. Fellers is too Funny.

    They are selling colorchange wraps - for those of you thats pissed about it..shop around - ask for discounts.. Its what majority of people do anyway. Should fellers have the same price as cheetahwraps.. maybe maybe not. They are targeting a different sector here. They are targeting colorchange...
  18. Install longevity of Textured Wall Material???

    A competing sign company had done a wall mural on painted stucco concrete wall with Mactac rough rap.. So far it's been up for just over a year.. It has peeled before not alot but they reheated and stuck it back down. I think it was just a shotty install. We are in Northern Indiana and have...
  19. My new sign installation lift...

    That's is perfect for smaller interior stuff - vinyl, gemini, etc..
  20. ShopVox - I cannot enter new customers

    Couldn't agree more on this, I bounce from desktop to laptop to tablet, So now if I dont log out of my PC and leave for a survey or meeting I cant login on my tablet - I would be fine with it as long as when you log in on another computer it logs you out of the other one