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Search results

  1. Illustrator tools vanished!

    isign; you have all your fonts in windows/fonts right? why not copy them to a different directory, delete them, then reinstall all of them?
  2. Cutting Text (Specifically O and R)

    I had the same problem with our graphtec. I changed the teflon strip, the blade and made sure the offset setting matched the new blade I was using, and I haven't had the same problem since. So I don't know which one of the three it was, but it worked. The teflon strips are like 6 dollars.
  3. Texas newbie

    welcome from dallas.
  4. Looking for a pizza

    whoa, 100 miles for pizza is crazy. that's almost like me driving to lubbock for some pinnochios (good pizza not available anywhere else). it seems as if the hole in the walls around here aren't very good, and this is like the 5th biggest city in america. WHERE DA GOOD PEEETZA AT?
  5. New from Las Vegas

    how is the sign business in las vegas? i want to move there.
  6. Where can I find Classic / Period Designs Clipart

    google image search what you're looking for and redraw it yourself. no one is going to know that you stole their image.
  7. Outline missing in Production Manager

    the solid color isn't yellow is it? and make sure the little "wireframe" thing isn't checked, that thing drives me crazy.
  8. HP Designet 9000S "head gone bad?"

    i'm not saying the ink. I'm saying what sends the ink down from the bulk system to the head. It's probably gravity, so maybe the line got clogged or something. I wouldn't think a head that is used regularly every day would just go bad.
  9. HP Designet 9000S "head gone bad?"

    are you sure the black prinhead is bad, or if the bulk ink system just isn't feeding black ink? either way the head is bad. HP techs may not touch it because of the bulk ink.....
  10. LIKE WOAH BRO from southern cali!

    Welcome from the Dallas Area. I call them stickers, decals, stickey things, things to be stuck on stuff, adhesive back material with a contour cut, vinyl, something pretty, whatever. Whatever YOU want to call it, I'll understand.
  11. Corian Newbie

    So the filler lasts forever too? I just routed some corian the other day, a 2'x8' sheet of it was 400 dollars and weighed about 150 pounds. Sounds like a PERFECT sign material. /sarcasm.
  12. PHOTOSHOP CS3 . . . Ships Today ! ! !

    i like the new tool layouts in cs3. It just flows better and takes up less space and stuff flies out when I want it to. I wasn't a big cs or cs2 user (cs2 for illustrator i've used more than anything, maybe illustrator 10 and ps7 but cs2 illustrator was good) but cs3 is quite the upgrade. I...
  13. font id

    what is the font of this picture?
  14. Another newbie

  15. Substrate suggestions

    There is a UV white board, 1/2" mdo that is prepped with a very nice, bright, white finish. The board itself is about the same price as regular 1/2" mdo, maybe a couple of dollars more. It will have to be sprayed with a clear, or laminated with a liquid laminate if printed full bleed, the uv...
  16. Networking PCs...

    you can map a network drive from a shared folder over your network. just go to my computer then tools then map network drive and find the folder then make it a drive letter. As for running software from one machine but showing it on another, I'm not sure as to how to do it in windows, I know...
  17. lxi on new computer problem

    did your old machine have service pack 2 installed?
  18. Looking for tutorial sites

    i took the dvd tutorial for basic flash, I did the first 2 disks i can get around flash now, it worked alright.
  19. High School Photoshop help

    i was going to say if they are using 7.0, no need to upgrade. I could see an upgrade from 5.0, but everything after 7.0 is pretty much all the same nonsense. I still use 7.0, but have cs2 as well.
  20. High School Photoshop help

    which version are they using?