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Hey Great Tip,
Here is another tip unplug your maching and roll it to the back of the shop.
Make sure your not near anything worth value or that can get damage, and go get a phillips screw driver or you will also need a robertson screwdriver.
Now take the top cover off you see two screw on top...
Hey All
I have an edge and I turned it on today and all it is doing is beeping I can't reset or anything I know previous we would just let is warm up and then be fine but this time it just keeps beeping any ideas??
So now the better haft is here to tell how it's really like! haha :biggrin:
You can also keep a good eye on who's invited to thos wild partys.
Why am I never invited.........oh well I'll just:beer
Welcome from Canada eh.
As a merchant member I don't think we should be held to a higher standard we are just selling a product. As human we should be held
to a higher standard its easy to get caught up in the drama especially
on a forum where you are typing and not talking face to face.
I am not one to preach but its...
I'm not a 100% sure I'm following you so I apologize if this sounds completely wrong ( also I'm at home so I'm going from memory lol)
In production Manager under file imput preset (profile)
Find the profile you want and imput it. That's what I mean by maybe saving your pofiles to c.d and...
You can actually save then to c.d. and then imput them in to you rip program.
Are you using the same version of flexi 7.6 if you upgraded to 8.0 the 7.6 won't work anymore.
I think you just have to add each individual profile one at a time.
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