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Search results

  1. Cutting Direct From CorelDraw on Q100

    Well, the thing is, although the Q's are made by Graphtec, they're made to order according to the S/W OEM spec...They really aren't Graphtec's anymore. What that means is that they don't speak the GPGL language (as opposed to HPGL), and THAT means they don't respond to Quick-Cut that doesn't...
  2. graphtec ce-3000-60, doesn't cut left side

    When you load your medium, pinch rollers at the outside edges, do you get the correct width measurement after you've pushed ROLL 1 or ROLL 2?
  3. Graphtec 7000-75 ???

    Allan... Also, the OFFSET value= 0 after the knife type is always a safe bet when using Graphtec blades. If you use a 3rd party or resharps however, you might well have to adjust that value. hk
  4. Graphtec 7000-75 ???

    Allan... What you say about the presets,or CONDITIONS, is correct, but what SPEEDY and NEIL are talking about is the PREF (PERF?) LINE TYPE feature, a carryover from those FC models serving the apparel industry which requires an ability to cut patterns in various materials. The feature is...
  5. Contour Cutting Perforated Window Film

    You can alwas do the registraton mark aquisition manually. Bob has described how to do it in a previous post
  6. FC7000 vs. CE300Mk2

    To amplify Bob's point...you get to appreciate that part of the soft landing scheme when you realize the signifigance of knowing exactly where the the surface of the medium is and adjusting the cut depth downward from there, as opposed to adjusting that blade extension based on the distance from...
  7. new machine is driving me crazy

    I haven't tried this (yet), but maybe a patch of that frosty looking Scotch tape or two might diffuse light enough to desensitize that sensor?? hk
  8. CE-3000 60 problems

    TVG... What are the extra settings that you mentioned? hk
  9. new machine is driving me crazy

    One of the things that can make a difference if the sensor is too sensitive (as many of them are) is to kill just the rear one by putting a piece of tape over the port. This will also kill the SHEET function, but ROLL 2 substitutes well in most cases anyway. But to your question. Graphtec is...
  10. new machine is driving me crazy

    Neil... Some personal observations / opinions: I agree that pre-feed is a pain; it is, however, an effective means of controling the sudden jerk you can get if you haven't pulled enough material off the roll before you start. Effective or not, it's still hard for me to get used to. I...
  11. Fc2100-60a

    The 2100 series machines, particularly the -50, -90 and -120 can still be found in working condition...but they're going on 12+ yrs old now, and when they die, they're truly dead. There are no parts for them. Think about that...12 yrs. There are machines made today that won't make it 12 mos...
  12. Graphtech Vs. Designtech

    kilerb... This is an ego driven website and everybody needs to be right...and guess what, everybody is, to some extent. If I've been able to help you, that's great....tell my boss. :-)) You can contact me anytime. hk
  13. Graphtec software?

    Total non-function???? I didn't say that either. zzzzzzz!
  14. Graphtec software?

    I didn't say it was perfect I'm glad I made you feel better..so go back to sleep. hk
  15. Graphtec software?

    I'm not aware of any difficulty with either Cutting Master (Illustrator to & incl. CS2), or Quick Cut (Corel to 12, & X3 shortly). These get wrung out pretty thoroughly before release and after and problems, if any, show up almost immediately...pay attention to "almost"... but we're satisfied. hk
  16. Graphtech Vs. Designtech

    kilerb....If you can easily see the blade sticking out, you've probably got too much blade sticking out. I'm sure your cutter has a "TEST" function...get friendly with it. It won't take but a minute to learn what the correct setting is. Leigh.... Sure, the 7000 works with Windows 98. In...
  17. Contour cut through material?

    Mostly stunt, in my opinion...for signers, anyway. You're right, there isn't so much as a sentence, a comma, or a period about it in the book. But the ability to perforate (it's called "PREF LINE TYPE" in the menu) is something conjured up for the apparel industry where it's used to make...
  18. Contour cut through material?

    You can do that with the FC7000 if you want. First you cut the vinyl as you normally would, then you select Perf Line Type choosing a value other than Off, then re-cut the same image over itself. Takes a tweak or two, but it works. hk
  19. Graphtech Vs. Designtech

    I think you're probably right. I believe the D-60 may be a more powerful machine anyway....and I admit to being prejudiced in favor of that particular feature. hk
  20. Graphtech Vs. Designtech

    Normal vinyl cutting will be a breeze. You'll have difficulty if you go sandblast mask over 10 mill or so, ditto engineering grade reflectives. Otherwise, enjoy! You'll like it.