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  1. Dislike Flexi

    nope, just one guy who suggested he disliked flexi, the program that i love:thumb:
  2. Dislike Flexi

    Just a Joke we did all trhe irwindale speedway signs and decals a couple years ago, as a well a sprewell racing and almost all the drivetech race cars.. I took it a liitle to far my apologies.:Oops:
  3. Dislike Flexi

    i want some maybe i can autotrace it and steal your awesome cone design.....:U Rock:
  4. FC5100 - 130 error 1

    he's exactly right.
  5. Dislike Flexi

    yeh the guys down at the dirt track are really missin ya.. crash in turn 2, they need some flames asap.:Coffee:
  6. Dislike Flexi

    What u need to learn is NEVER pay retail.....
  7. Dislike Flexi

  8. FC5100 - 130 error 1

    try shutting down your computer and plotter then take out parallel port and put it back in, then turn back on computer. i just had this happen a few months ago.
  9. Dislike Flexi

    post umm i believe 49 has a attachment as well. but good lookin out..
  10. Dislike Flexi

    we use them all........... flexi enroute photoshop illustrator indesign autocadd etc.... we have them all i just stated i thought flexi was the best MY OPINION
  11. Dislike Flexi

    :wink: :thankyou:
  12. Dislike Flexi

    instead he made a ridiculous statement. instead he made a ridiculous statement. :Oops:
  13. Dislike Flexi

    see post 48 49 please refer back to post 48 and 49... I have free time because i worked my ass off for the past 5 years with no vacations now i'm the big daddy of the company, and u see my projects go smooth so i have my guys do them. Now i'm sitting down the street in my hot wherehouse...
  14. Dislike Flexi

    see it's like this flame you start with a 3 man shop 9 years later your the boss and there's 30 employees it's called being smart and moving up. what i'm doing now is trying to gain as much info as i can before i start my own biz, although i probably have more accounts then you pulling up in my...
  15. Dislike Flexi

    don't you have some flames to put on a model gas tank or something.. your absolutely right flexi can't produce such a quality image such as yours.
  16. Dislike Flexi

    i did i autotraced yours.... why do it again
  17. Dislike Flexi

    I thought you were joking when you said you could do anything in Flexi that I can do in CorelDraw. I think I proved my point when I said that there is no "do it all" program. It's good to keep a lot of them on hand... of course... that can be done in flexi without a problem i don't understand.
  18. Dislike Flexi

    cmon are u joking... get over it.
  19. Dislike Flexi

    well fred said not to attach any dxf files so i had to export it into a jpg .. u want me to send u a dxf of it color seperated chief. umm.. dont flatter yourself if i was stealing art i certainly would pass on this.
  20. Dislike Flexi

    traced here ya go...:wine-smi: