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Search results

  1. Roland SP300i

    We have for sale a Roland Versacamm SP300i. This is a 2011 model 30" printer cutter. This unit was a lease return that has had very little use. Unit comes with Roland RIP software and all tech documents. New this printer lists for $13,995.00. We are selling it for $7995.00. Call 800-328-1306 for...
  2. RIP the JV3

    Good news and Bad news. Mimaki first started selling the JV3 twelve years ago, and closed out the series with the introduction of the JV33 seven years ago. What this means is that after September of 2014 the supply of spare JV3 parts will end. (the bad news) To reward their loyal customers who...
  3. HP 9000/Seiko Colorpainter 64, parting out

    Parting out an HP 9000. I have everything but the main board. Heads have been removed and bagged. Call for prices. Robert 303-733-667
  4. GS 6000 Tech

    Looking for someone to work on a GS 6000 in the Houston Texas area. call me at 800-328-1306 or pm me for details
  5. Tech for Mimaki CJV30-130

    Looking for a tech to service newer Mimaki printers in the Detroit area. PM me if you are interested.
  6. SC 500 "pump up"

    Had a customer enter 'Pump up" in the menu by mistake. Rather then waste ink he wants to get out of that mode. I recall there is a way but it is info only a service guy would know (not in the tech manual).
  7. Gs 6000

    Any techs in the bay area have the ability to change out a GS6000 print head and cap tip? Parts will be provided,
  8. Mimaki JV33-250

    Like new JV33-250 running ss21 inks remaining factory warranty (6 months) Call me for pricing Robert 303-733-6671
  9. Ink Jet Printer Repair

    Looking for an experienced tech with ink jet printer knowledge. Located in Denver Colorado. PM me for more info.
  10. Used Mutoh 1614

    We have a Mutoh Value Jet 1614 we took back on a lease. Printer is in very good condition with low hours. Located in Denver Colorado, can ship nation wide 11K plus ship 303-733-6671 Ask for Robert
  11. Flexi 8.6 and a Roland SP540i MAC

    Anyone know of some good profiles for Flexi Mac 8.6 and a Roland SP540i. With Flexi no longer having a Mac option, the available profiles for this set up are very limited.
  12. Colorburst for Epson GS 6000

    Looking for a legal copy of Color burst RIP for an Epson GS 6000. Will consider any RIP to run a Epson GS 6000
  13. JV3 software

    Looking for a RIP to drive a Mimaki JV3 I have. I would like to purchase a copy of Raster link 3 or Flexi 7... print cut. Thanks Robert
  14. Detroit

    Any JV3 techs out there to work on a JV3 in Detroit Give me a call 800-328-1306
  15. London

    Just got back from London where I wraped all those cars for the closing event, what do you think of my skills
  16. White latex ink

    Mimaki has a new latex printer that features white ink, I understand it will be at the ISA show in Orlando http://www.graphicdisplayworld.com/en/news
  17. Mimaki Latex printer

    One of my tech guys heard the rumor it is coming soon. Anyone have more info? Artbot you know anything?
  18. Latex Printer Cutter

    I have been hearing rumors that a latex printer cutter is about to be introduced. Anyone have more information on such a product? I am just guessing, but I would think Roland would be first to market such a device. let me know
  19. Latex vs. Ecoslovent

    Everything I read about the HP latex printers looks very positive. Are there any downsides to these printers. I am looking for info on the smaller 60" printers. What is the cost per square foot for the inks? Do they really cost more to run from an electrical standpoint? What kind of usable...
  20. Colorado crook

    There is a crook running around Denver leaving a trail of bad checks Name is Angel Diaz, beware as he orders signs and sign supplies.