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Search results

  1. Vector Software

    Gerber Composer We have tried all sorts of trace programs, including Corel and Adobe apps. To our surprise, the raster to vector tool in Omega Composer works the best of all.
  2. Gerber Avery Palatte?

    Thanks again to the Gerber people! Thank you Tony! I have been running Composer with a FasTrack 650 for a number of years now. Although the problems have been very few, the Gerber folks have come thru for us. The last people you would think of asking, for an Avery palette, are the Gerber guys...
  3. Gerber Avery Palatte?

    Help! A while back I found an Avery palatte download for Composer. I didn't bookmark the location. I thought I found it thru signs101. My hard drive crashed and it's not on my backup data. Fred, maybe you know? Tom
  4. Parts for Gerber Fastrack 550 plotter...

    How'd they do that? Just a quick question and or comment. Not to sound sarcastic, but I have a 650 and was wondering how you break the clip that secures the blade-holder? I don't want to make that mistake too.
  5. Air bubbles under vinyl

    The air has to go somewhere It is our experience that as long as we put very small pin-pricks in the area around the bubbles, they will disappear due to natural outgassing. When asked, reps from 3M and Avery agreed, but wouldn't confirm nor deny this on camera. Tom
  6. So glad to have found you people

    Wow! Thanks for the welcome! The questions were very much appreciated, as I many times get the snub from sign people because I make OEM vehicle graphics. The answer to the "do you live near Elkhart Indiana" is yes. Elkhart county produces 56% of the RVs made in the United States. And yes, I do...
  7. So glad to have found you people

    I too have been logging in for a while and haven't introduced myself. I'm Tom, and live and work here in Northern Indiana. I and most of my family run a design firm. Our primary clients are RV manufacturers, making motor-homes, 5-th Wheels, travel trailers, and the like. We design the exterior...