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Search results

  1. Color Chart.......................

    I have a customer who requested PMS 339 and PMS 4695. I've gone through my color chart books, comparing them to my PMS book. I can't find anything close. Anyone have any ideas ?? :thankyou:
  2. Any ideas....................

    We have a 540-SP, which has served us well over the years....... and still is. We've maintained it and performed all kindsa fixes for it ourselves, with the help of a tech when it was over our heads. Recently, it is doing something strange. Monday, i printed a few jobs that went back and cut...
  3. Did anyone notice.........................................

    Our own weaselboogie was featured in an article this past August in SignCraft. Nice long article on many of his signs and approaches. All done on talent and sheer perfection. Nice going there....................... :thumb: It's such a delight to see well executed signs and their how...
  4. Ada................

    I'm hoping someone can point me in the correct direction on this one. Just had a customer come in wanting signs for some apartment buildings. He knows he needs ADA type for stairwells, elevators, public bathrooms, electrical room and so forth. However, his architect told him, he doesn't need...
  5. Serious Question...................................

    For years I was under one impression what this box was for. Yesterday, we had a discussion and I was told to always keep this at 0.250. I always kept it at 0.00. What does this offset actually do or mean ?? SP-540V versaworks 5.2.2
  6. Can't believe it..............................

    I haven't been to a show in Atlantic City in about 4 years, yet, I'm being bombarded with e-mails from vendors thanking me for stopping by their booth this past weekend and want to extend some more specials to me. These people don't have a clue, huh ?? Some of them, I never did ANY business...
  7. Hey one & all...................................

    To all of you here at s101........................
  8. To all of you out there........................

    Happy Veterans Day and a big thank you !! :wavingflag: :U Rock:
  9. This name sounds familiar..................................

    attention , My name is Mark White.I will like to order some plaque from your shop and the details of the plaque i want to order from your company are below ... Product name :Aluminum or bronze plaques Size: 8" x 10" x 3/8 Quantity:400 pis Text Engraving:Thanks be to God I will like...
  10. Yo everybody.......................................

    Happy Halloween !!!
  11. What's this mean......................??

    I've seen these before, the five stars, but never paid any attention to them. How do you get them and what do they mean ?? :thankyou:
  12. Can you believe.............??

    Had a customer come in last week and order quite a few name plates/panels for a professional building we take care of. Some of the replacements were for an electric sign at the front of the building. He also said, he needed replacement lamps for the electric sign. I told him, since we didn't...
  13. Who actually has rights to this......??

    Some background first. Almost 2 years ago an old customer of ours and his cousin went into a partnership. Back in March of this year, the partnership suddenly broke up. The two cousins who joined forces about a year earlier figured out they couldn't get along. The original partner had been a...
  14. just a funny one..........................................

    Had a request to remove some doctors names from a door in a medical building. They just happened to be the last 3 names on the door, so it was a breeze. Scraped 'em off, rubbed with some alcohol and I was done in about 10 minutes. Did it on my way home last night. I enjoy the easy ones. Got...
  15. Hey..............

    Has Edna moved to Australia ?? :pops_blinking:
  16. Slate Pro.....................

    I've identified a font I need to be 'Slate Pro' but can't find it for free. The whole suite costs around $1,100 or I can buy one font at a time for about $65. I'm not paying that... even for a one time use, and I know the customer won't buy it, either. Does anyone know where to get it for...
  17. Sad - Sad news.................................

    A sad day in Virginia. If you haven't heard, a lone gunman shot and killed a news reporter, her cameraman and wounded a 3rd person being interviewed on live television. He videoed himself doing the whole thing. Police slowly closed in on him and he crashed. He then tried to kill himself, but...
  18. This and four foot flames...............................

    burns my a$$. I won't mention the name, but this kinda attitude just p!sses me off to no end. Called for some prices on 1 mm PVC from various distributors. Price doesn't matter, but I ended up ordering it from one distributor with about a 30% savings and told them it had to be clean as we...