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Search results

  1. Collecting money....

    Hmm, sounds like you learned all the big fancy words, but none of the basics of financial management. You should have attended class more often.:Big Laugh Please note that I never claimed to have "coined" the phrase "collect early pay late". It is a very common statement made by college...
  2. Collecting money....

    Probably is not a law but a rule of that corporation. Taking those discounts is very lucritive for them. And when you dont offer discounts and when the company just simply refused to pay late fees, paying late is also very lucritive for them. A lot of times I have noticed that people become...
  3. Collecting money....

    Exactly. If they held his paycheck for 104 days, he'd quit. Big companies hire a lot of MBA's, and one of the basics of "good financial management" that they teach in MBA school is "collect early pay late". What they don't realize that personal relationships are more important that "good...
  4. wind load calculation

    I agree with you 100%. There is a point where regulations are needed, and a point where regulations are just pure bull poop. There is absolutely no legitimate need for an experianced sign installer to have to have an engineer or even a permit for a structure that weighs less than an...
  5. How much money do people make in this business?

    Well at least you store yours in your shop. My wife makes me keep all my money in the bank. Now the dang bank keeps calling me complaining that all my money has filled up their vault and now they dont have any room for anyone elses money. What do they want ME to do about it? THEY need to...
  6. How much money do people make in this business?

    Some people make $4 (US), others make $9(US). One guy I know make $12,000 US but another loose $1,400,000 (US). Me? Well for the last few years I have made BILLIONS of dollars more than General Motors. So I guess that makes me RICH (and much smarter than all the employees at GM put...
  7. why are some files so heavily masked?

    I really dont know what a mask is for, although I see it done all the time. In 20 years of designing, I have never had an occasion where I have needed a mask in a vector file, not even when using bitmap images in a vector file.
  8. Would this p!$$ you off ?

    Thats funny.
  9. Would this p!$$ you off ?

    While going through a similar issue one time, after the customer said "I don't want to spend that much because I don't even know if this business is going to work" I flat out told her "if you don't know it will work, and if you are not willing to spend time and money making it work, then it...
  10. Would this p!$$ you off ?

    EXCELLENT! A few weeks ago I was asking if anyone had any written customer service documentation that they used for training, the only responses were some links to general customer service info (not customer service for OUR industry). Your response here is EXACTLY the type of thing I was...
  11. OMG, How Do I Compete?

    Thats less than the cost of the materials. No way man. He is pissed because you didn't get back with him so he is getting back at you by lying about the cost of the job. Been there, done that.
  12. How to create a multipage .pdf from .jpgs?

    Even with just a one page document program you can still do it. You could make multple PDF's and then join them with an imposition program such as Quite Imposing. You may also be able to find a free or trial version of a pdf impostion program online.
  13. How to create a multipage .pdf from .jpgs?

    Are you saying that you only have Photoshop installed? I have a feeling that if you took the time to instal CorelDraw and/or Word (or any other Word Processor), you would find lots more uses for it. PageMaker, Indesign, Quark will also do what you need. Basically, any program that supports...
  14. Teacher Called About My Son

    My now 17 year old son basically spent all of his time in our shop from a week after he was born until just a few years ago. He'd rather work at McDonalds for minimum wage than to make $12/hr working in my shop. Honestly, I dont blaim him. A few years ago he discovered another creative...
  15. Anyone have any customer service training...

    Makes good sense to me. And yes, simply fed up with being disorganized.
  16. is printing lime greens: possible??!! frustrated!!

    Sherry, I onced asked if someone had any "presets" for various materials and jobs for Flexi 8.5. All I got was how it "takes years of practice and learning use my equipment". I do have some particular settings that I use for our equipment for particular colors that never print like I intend...
  17. Anyone have any customer service training...

    Thats a great suggestion. My screen printer is leaving us in a few weeks, what we were planning on doing was to replace him with a csr to take over some of my duties and I would screen print. When my screen printer came in this morning he brought in a friend who was interested in the screen...
  18. Anyone have any customer service training...

    I have started making a detail operations manual a half dozen times but never got too far. Last night I pulled up several partially completed attempts and kinda put them together on the same document. It's my hope to be able to spend some time during the next few weeks filling in some of the...
  19. Anyone have any customer service training...

    Thanks Craig for that. It is at least a starting point. I posted the same request on another graphics forum and several people basically bashed me for asking for such - explaining how either someone has customer service ability or not and that you cant train for such. Those people missed...
  20. Anyone have any customer service training...

    documentation specifically for the graphics industry? I am going to have to hire a new csr soon and would like to try to put together some sign (and screen printing and offset printing) customer service training info before we actually bring anyone in. Like any customer service flow charts...