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Search results

  1. How bad did I do!! Shop van wrap design.

    Heroes is plural, Hero's is several sandwiches...
  2. Shop truck design

    Nice design.
  3. Storefront location

    You hit the nail on the head. There are no "time wasters". We treat everyone with respect and patience. We are polite to those we can not help, and in the end, we have no reason to treat anyone with less than the utmost respect. Some guy came in on Friday and asked if we printed on paper bags...
  4. Storefront location

    Location, Location, Location. The old adage, there are 3 things that are important for business: location, location, location. I know some of my best customers, did in FACT drive by everyday for 6-8 months before they finally stopped and came in. Our walk-in traffic is HIGHLY QUALIFIED and...
  5. Mike Stevens on the Art of Brush Lettering - VHS -1985

    Turns out they don't have it anymore. They will try and order it from a participating library that does. We'll see...
  6. Mike Stevens on the Art of Brush Lettering - VHS -1985

    I don't intend to sell it. I'm not going to post it to you tube either. I want it for me and I guess the two or three other guys here who asked me to share it with them after I've transferred it to MP4. I don't think there are any real copyright concerns. His estate might take an issue with...
  7. Mike Stevens on the Art of Brush Lettering - VHS -1985

    The name is "Biff". ;-) Anyway, I'll run into the library in the morning and check it out. My library is a branch, so it may take a few days to come in. (I doubt very seriously it's actually here in Lake Wylie.) Once I get it, I'll convert it to an MP4 and email to you.
  8. Mike Stevens on the Art of Brush Lettering - VHS -1985

    It's less than a mile from me and I can convert it to mp4.
  9. Snark-Free Response Forum

    Let me tell you all something. I have been in business for myself since I was 12 years old, I kid you not. I am comparatively successful, in fact more successfull than anyone I grew up with or ever knew. I am full of sage advice. If I lost everything tomorrow I'd be back on my feet in months if...
  10. Snark-Free Response Forum

    Fred, this is the antithesis of the NHB, this is a great idea and you will ignore it.
  11. Snark-Free Response Forum

    Rudeness is not subjective, it is in your face and as undeniable as two big hairy nostrils. How is the departure of those who are CONSISTIENTLY rude and unhelpful a problem for S101?
  12. Snark-Free Response Forum

    There is no doubt this place has to be among the rudest forums I've ever visited. It has value there is absolutely no doubt just due to the sheer size of the traffic it enjoys. There are a few very nice people here. But S101 will not last forever, this is a fact. I feel it is poorly run and not...
  13. Franken Signs coming to Asheville / Boone NC high country area

    Pineville is a suburb of Charlotte, NC. It has a paltry 2500 residents but a staggering 3.5 million square feet of office / retail space. Needless to say much of that space is occupied and they all need signs. The regulations are to be abided by, but after all, business here are allowed signs...
  14. A wrap that makes people call 911

    Ah, so the old "there's no such thing as bad press" adage. I completely disagree. Let's keep an eye in this so-called sign shop and come back to this thread in a year and see if that place is still in business. My bet is NOT.
  15. New to the Forum

    I feel your pain. Give me a call sometime. I'm not far away and I can help you.
  16. A wrap that makes people call 911

    ...and if every man were like you and I, the world would be a better place.
  17. A wrap that makes people call 911

    Sorry to insult your forum Fred, I didn't really mean it in toto and you should not take it that way. Looks like I touched a soft spot with you and I understand your offense.
  18. A wrap that makes people call 911

    I am sorry, but I can not fathom how an image of a kidnapped- hog tied woman can be construed as good for business for this sign company. i doubt that we have seen the end of this news story, and mark my word, this company whoever they are, will not be in business a year from now. it is an...
  19. Franken Signs coming to Asheville / Boone NC high country area

    Hilton Head is like that. I've done several signs down there and we manage. It just seems so un-American to have such strict sign ordinances. Pineville on the other hand is particularly bad. They don't even allow spurrikers. Do that and they will shut you down, I kid you not. A spurriker...