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Search results

  1. Crazy Busy...

    We are up to our neck in work and we are in desperate need of a few good men (or women). I am interested in Freelance installers or at least one full time production assistant. If you live in Charlotte and are looking for work PLEASE send me your resume. Biff@frankensigns.biz
  2. Walmart

    My wife hates the place and won't shop there no matter what. I do though. I take the kids and we buy stuff, not because Walmart's cheaper, but just because they have acres of stuff and pretty much whatever I need, whenever I need it.
  3. Mas OSX Lion- You digging it?

    Yes, there are some new and very cool gestures. I went out and bought the trackpad as well. There are those that believe that Apple has every intent to, wait for it... dispense with the mouse altogether.
  4. New to All-Over Printing

    Yes, don't buy anything. Go ahead and start your company and just farm everything out. You'll be much happier if your business fails and you didn't invest all that money. In my opinion, screen printing is a poor man's trade...
  5. Looking for new business- what has worked for you?

    Any product or service you give away effectively reduces it's value to zero. I don't see this as a variable way to grow your business. You grow your business with personal contact, via face to face meetings or even telephone.
  6. For you netflix users....

    I've stared watching that movie twice and stopped. I'll try again...
  7. Websites on iPad

    So I'm the one who is accepting of a new technology and you insinuate I'm not open minded? You, sir, should read my tagline.
  8. Websites on iPad

    The bottom line is that there are 200 million iOS devices that don't support Flash. Just do the math and get with the program...
  9. Mas OSX Lion- You digging it?

    I have a MacBook with a 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo that I use as my "personal" computer. In effect I made me a little MacBookAir by installing 2 gigs of memory and a 128 GIG Solid-State drive. Anyway, I do a lot of experimenting with this thing and I immediately put Lion on it. The new Mail is...
  10. Websites on iPad

    The iPad does not support Flash because Flash is a processor Hog. Apple won't support it because it can diminish the iPad experience by slowing web browsing. With millions upon millions of iPads, iPhones and iPod touches out there, Flash is on it's way out. If you or anyone you know has Flash on...
  11. looking for designer

    We use www.affinityexpress.com I am not 100% positive but I think most of their work is done in India. Very competent design and mind-bogglingly affordable. Most designs work out to less than $3/ hr. You have to prove your legitimacy as a real business to do business with Affinity Express.
  12. Feed Back on the new Roland VersaUV LEJ Printer?

    The new VersaUV LEJ Hybrid UV-LED Flatbed Inkjet Printer. I was wondering if anyone here might have one? I may also be interested in opinions and/or convictions based on what you may have heard. Many thanks in advance...
  13. Wha?

    Three years ago I was making six figures in this business. It's getting tougher by the day to clear a decent profit. I just found a post on Craigslist from some idiot operating a sign business out of his apartment trying to sell banners for $1.99 per sq. ft.
  14. Mosh is NOT DEAD!!!

    Sorry to hear you're okay, Mosh. Keep us posted...
  15. Anyone traveling On the 4th of July?

    We're shutting down for the week of the 4th. I'll be on Fripp Island, SC. from 7/2/11 through 7/10/11.
  16. I think I will be a vegetarian...

    If "they" decide that this is what we are to be fed, it is what we will eat. The following generation will be grossed-out that we once ate animals...
  17. Priceless

  18. 50% Deposit

    I have been in business for 30 years. I have extended credit to THOUSANDS of individuals and corporations. I can count the number who never paid me on one hand.
  19. OKI Data Pro printers, very interesting

    Hi Rodi. Have you seen any specs on the durability of the transfers? A price point of $7,000 makes this a real consideration for one such as I.
  20. 50% Deposit

    We make every attempt to get a 50% deposit. Sometimes we just can not. Usually with corporate clients. The bottom line here is that once you complete the job, they owe you the amount on your invoice. In all likelihood they will pay you soon enough. Bite the bullet. Get the order. Invoice the...