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Search results

  1. Too many sign shops!!

    Some 20 or so years ago, (before I was in the sign business), a friend came to me and asked me to suggest a business he could start. I thought about it and said, "you should start a sign business". A few days later we crossed paths again and I asked him what he thought of my suggestion. He said...
  2. Roland DG Introduced the VersaUV LEC-300

    I want Roland to come out with a flatbed / hybrid printer.
  3. FrankenSigns.biz

    Normee! How cool is this? Welcome!

    Normee! How cool is this? Welcome!
  4. What's your internet connection?

    Young Frankenstein is HANDS DOWN my all time favorite movie. I can and often do quote any line from the movie. I'd go with Marty Feldman if I were you.
  5. FYI: Eleven Ten Inks for Roland

    I have heard about alternate inks for my Roland printers, but I've not switched for reasons such as this. If I'm going to switch, the inks need to be a darn near carbon-copy of Roland's own formula. (Which ain't gonna happen) It has been my experience that if someone switches products to save...
  6. Direct to Garment on Flatbed

    The inks would just bleed through the clothing.
  7. New Member from Charleston,SC

    Welcome from Charlotte!
  8. Pricing in Hard Times

    I have a retail location and we offer products to individuals and business to business products and services as well. We are taking a hit from both sides. Vehicles wraps are down. Walk-ins are down. Sales commissions are down. People seem to be pinching nickles. We are considering lowering...
  9. Biggest difference between Mutoh & Roland

    My impression of Mutoh is not good. I own four state-of-the-art Rolands. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jim Dogget's input on this issue. I find his input very informative and enlightening. So much so, in fact that I will be very interested in demo-ing a Valuet when I prepare to...
  10. Newbie from Ohio

    Welcome from Charlotte, NC!
  11. Font Identity Issue...

  12. Font Identity Issue...

    Can someone help me identify this font?
  13. Hello from Summerville South Carolina

    Hello from Lake Wylie, SC
  14. Spec this font please?

    Yep. Thanks!
  15. Spec this font please?

    Close is good...
  16. Spec this font please?

    What font is this guys? Thanks in advance.
  17. What's your internet connection?

    DSL at home and T1 at work.
  18. What this FONT?

    Yep, the font Shovel mentioned is from my Bitstream collection.
  19. What this FONT?

    Interesting. So, one can copyright the name but not the font? Weird.