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Search results

  1. What this FONT?

    Plantin looks almost, if not exactly, like Aldine. What is up with that?
  2. What this FONT?

    Shove, Aldine 401 BT seems a perfect match. Thanks!
  3. What this FONT?

    Need one of you font Guru's to identify this font for me. Thanks in advance!
  4. 'Nuther Font ID

    Thank youse!
  5. 'Nuther Font ID

    How's about it? I know this one I'm just having one of those days...
  6. Hwat font is this?

    ...and the award goes to TIKIBOYZ! Problem is, I downloaded the font for free from dafont and the font itself is poorly rendered and total garbage. What to do? Oh well.
  7. Hwat font is this?

    Does anyone have any idea what font this is? I can't seem find an exact match.
  8. Hi From Oz :)

    Welcome from Charlotte, NC, the land up 'yonder.
  9. What best describes your location?

    I have an 8000 sq. ft. free-standing building on a main drag.
  10. Windows Vista

    Damn Techman... is that YOU?
  11. Hello from Nova Scotia

    Hi from North Carolina. I'd love to visit Nova Scotia one day. In particular, I would love to see the Bay of Fundy.
  12. Real Estate Agents: good customers or bad?

    I like your post Tom, and it really boils down to your above quote, doesn't it? It's all a matter of working smarter, not harder. If we don't allow crummy customers to push us around on price, maybe we won't have as many "crummy" customers. As several people have stated, real estate companies...
  13. Real Estate Agents: good customers or bad?

    Very interesting and informative post Gino. :thumb: Thank you!
  14. how to multiply in AI.

    CorelDraw definitely rocks. I wish they'd bring it back to the Mac.
  15. how to multiply in AI.

    I have noticed the lack of step and repeat in Illustrator as well. All of the suggestions above work, but are no doubt the long way round to get in the barn. If you've ever seen or used Quark's step and repeat, you would find that it is straight-forward and easy to use. Illustrator should have...
  16. Real Estate Agents: good customers or bad?

    It may be too late to point this out but I did say real estate agents, not real estate companies.
  17. Real Estate Agents: good customers or bad?

    My experience has been on the large part, bad so I voted "crummy". Indeed they are cheap, cheap, cheap. I have also had experiences where they order stuff and never come back to pick it up, much less pay the balance. Needless to say there are exceptions. I have had a few who were good customers...
  18. Real Estate Agents: good customers or bad?

    As a rule, have you found real estate agents to be good (profitable) customers or crummy (unprofitable) customers?
  19. I am new here

    Are ya'lls houses on stilts thar too?