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Search results

  1. Graphtec CM5 tiling

    I've got a 2 metre round cut vinyl graphic to do - CE6000-60 using Cutting Master 5 (I know, should have stopped at CM2/3). When I have a weed border enabled, it seems to cut twice though the panel edges, which leads the cutter to want to skew, as the rollers are gripping semi-disconnected...
  2. Buying a used SO 80600 - things to look out for?

    As above, I'm heading towards buying a used SC-80600. I've been approached by a dealer with a £7k price on a used unit, including delivery and install, as well as a 30 day warranty and partial inks. The dealer is only 40 miles (2-5 London hours) away, so same/next (few?) days support? Beyond a...
  3. 5000K D50 retrofit lights (or how to see the truth on a budget)

    We moved into our new premises on April 1st, and I'm working in a basement. I'm kind of picky about colour management, and gave very specific instructions to the lighting contractors about what I needed. Somewhere in the fit out, my 5000K D50 lights got substituted for some very fancy smart...
  4. Laminating prints onto correx

    A client is asking me to produce 20-40 correx toblerones, each face 800x2000mm. I can print this on self adhesive polyprop, and laminate with polyprop (no vinyl allowed). I'd get in 6mm (possibly 10mm) correx, and cut the return for each face, and join with velcro. The printed images need to be...
  5. Levelling up

    Just been on a site visit for the production area in our new facility, and have met a subtle curve ball. Turns out I'm not looking at sealed polished concrete, but rather concrete with undulations up to 15mm, though this potentially isn't the worst issue. The floor drops 150mm over 6metres...
  6. Display lightboxes - would anyone use static cling as only printed graphic layer

    We have a firm of architects who want us to produce prints for a set of lightboxes. These will display photographic art-work. Images will be A0 (33-1/8 x 46-13/16 in) in size, and the drawings they've sent over for the light boxes seem to be designed to only accept static cling on reverse of...
  7. S80600 or?

    So, a (loaded) question set. I'm looking to expand our production, and am mildly fixated by the Epson S80600. Looking at the setup guide, it asks for 145.5" in front - is this regularly needed? All benches and machines are be on wheels, so will, if needs be, have the option to shift stuff...
  8. HP 630

    Just had an email through from a supplier regarding a (I believe) new HP latex. Looking at the spec, Long-term print-to-print repeatability 95% of colors < 3 dE20002. Does this mean that 5% of colours aren't long term print to print repeatable, and that the remainder can be expected to be...
  9. Hard wearing mouse-friendly vinyl

    Got a potential order to wrap some desk tops, grey. These are a mix of existing 80's, 90's, 00's solid office desks, almost all with a nice smooth roundover. Requirement is neutral grey, hardwearing, and capable of surviving (well, being used with) Apple's god-damned awful optical mice. I'm...
  10. I didn't believe the manufacturer

    Around a decade ago we we had shortages and price hikes in optically clear mounting film. Manufacturer's rep said it was down to the increase in production of flat screen televisions; I thought BS. If you've shot film, and wondered how it was made, this (LONG) video may be interesting. Of...
  11. Time machine

    Not quite sure how I feel about reading tomorrow's posts*. *Though I'll accept lottery results
  12. Hello from sunny Brixton , London

    Hello. I've spent far too much time reading here, all of it more or less mostly useful, sometimes highly vauable, and occasionally priceless. And I'm the one man production unit of a photographic centre in London. My work crosses between high end printing - photographic exhibitions for a few...