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Search results

  1. Need help getting a used Mimaki UCJV300 running again

    Greetings, hope you are all doing well. I am happy to report that the printer has been performing beautifully and reliably and I have been able to run a range of media and prints thru it. Very grateful for all the help I received from you generous members in getting the machine back up and...
  2. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    I've been making progress on running the machine reliably again. Here is a photo of my latest cutting tests and they have gone back to normal centered again. I never figured out what the reason for the shift of the squares was. It was off for a while, but my print/cut seemed to still work...
  3. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    That is interesting that the sesor can get damaged so often. It seems to be in a very tight spot that is hard to get to. I was surprised that my media managed to twist in a way that got to that sensor and twisted it. I'll keep it in mind for future if it happens again. How do you manage to set...
  4. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    I ran a bit behind yesterday and only had a chance to do a brief amount of testing. I was able to run the print/cut alignment from the pc and that appears to be cutting well as before. The weird one is the cut test that you do at the control panel on the machine to dial in your pressure...
  5. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    That's a good point. I will try to be careful to watch out for that. Thank you
  6. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    Thank you both so much once again for so quickly pointing me in the right direction. It took me some time to get to that sensor. Ended up having to disassemble the cutter carriage from the front as the metal plate behind the sensor had bent and the sensor had actually unplugged. I just finished...
  7. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    I am not finding any obvious damage yet other than the cutter carriage sensor area where the media was found jammed (photos above). Will continue to inspect. That index carriage did crash into the head pretty hard. Loud crash shook the whole machine. Thankfully, the small encoder stripe sensor...
  8. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    Photos of sensor on back of cutter carriage (looking in from the back of the machine)
  9. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    Looking from the back of the cutter carriage, I believe I have found at least one clear issue. - This picture is hard to see but a piece of my media is jammed into between the sensor and its mounting plate on the back - This sensor looks bent out of position ? Angled toward the front of the...
  10. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    Here are some photos of the carriages. - I can see the index carriage flag at the top appears to be in good shape and can park into the sensor near home ( The crash returning home I think was my fault for moving the index carriage a couple of inches by hand and then closing the door so it...
  11. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    I made this thread separate because it is not related to the actual machine refurb, but a new and unrelated incident that is my fault and lead to this error. I felt that the unique nature of this error and cause may happen to others and be relevant if they want to diagnose just this issue...
  12. NEED HELP: UCJV300 - 404 Error Y Current

    Hello again everyone. I was finally on to printing and cutting various test pieces, and now getting this error after having made a rushed decision to kill a cutting job by opening the door. Here is what happened: - I was testing cutting some prints and had reloaded a sheet back into the machine...
  13. Has anyone tried using LUS-175 ink ( LUS-170 vs. LUS-175 vs. LUS-200) and how to switch between them on Mimaki UCJV300 series printers

    I hope you are all doing well. I have recently gotten into UV printing with a Mimaki UCJV300 roll-to-roll printer and trying to understand as much as I can. I could not find posts that talk in depth about the variations between the 3 inks the printer supports, the procedures that you must use to...
  14. Need help getting a used Mimaki UCJV300 running again

    Thank you so much for all the great advice! I think I am finally getting really close and starting to see some clean tests! I really can't thank you enough for all your guidance. This last suggestion is really useful and if anyone has as similar issue with white ink sitting for long time, I...
  15. Need help getting a used Mimaki UCJV300 running again

    Photo attached.
  16. Need help getting a used Mimaki UCJV300 running again

    Been making progress using your recommendations. Here is my latest print test. I am seeing a faint set of white lines on about 75% of the white nozzles now. Is the white supposed to be so faint, or does this mean the nozzles are not fully open yet? - Also, just had a thought: I've been doing...
  17. Need help getting a used Mimaki UCJV300 running again

    Thank you for that great explanation, that really helps understand the importance of avoiding air in the head. - A side question on the old subtank removed from the printer: Do you normally save them, or put any cleaning fluids thru them for possible use down the road, or are they useless?
  18. Need help getting a used Mimaki UCJV300 running again

    - And by nozzle plate, are you referring to the actual head nozzles where it prints from below?
  19. Need help getting a used Mimaki UCJV300 running again

    Ok, will do my best to check these details and follow this advice for my next round of efforts. - Any limit to how many cleanings are safe to do, and which type are safe? - Could the white channels be not flowing freely to the head and its running without ink? If so, is that a risk of causing...