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Search results

  1. Help with making aluminum signs!

    This is what we’ve been doing for the last 15 years and it’s truly a pain in the butt because things constantly change or I need to make small changes and then it’s another week waiting to get the new one back. I’m paying $80 for each one on the small ones online and $125/200 on the larger ones...
  2. Help with making aluminum signs!

    Here is an example, although not my company. It needs to be pretty durable it goes on equipment parked outside!
  3. Help with making aluminum signs!

    Hey all, long time lurker, just made an account to ask this question! I need to print black color on aluminum signs. Not large scale, maybe 3-4 per month. Largest size 9x12. What’s the best method to do this? Any recommendations for a printer? Would like to spend less than 3K.