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Search results

  1. Traffic Signs Needs

    Ouch on the Summa T-series level Well, if I have to go that high end to do what I need to do, the initial investment would certainly be higher than I had hoped. I had hoped that at most a mid or lower level 48" Graphtec would do the trick. The bad part is that I would only have to cut...
  2. Traffic Signs Needs

    jeez, woops again, "do not throw away..."
  3. Traffic Signs Needs

    woops, 0.080
  4. Traffic Signs Needs

    No, I do now throw away 4x4 0.80 aluminum diamond grade signs :). But what I have found is that the few sign shops I've dealt with only shave a buck or two per square foot of the price of a NEW sign to reletter my old ones, when the lettering is the least expensive material on the sign. Who...
  5. Traffic Signs Needs

    I hear you Pat I wasn't trying to offend, and I know it's pretty silly, probably even rude of me to ask you all to help me. I almost didn't post for that very reason. It may end up being the case that I'll conclude it's not cost effective in the end, and I'll still end up buying them from...
  6. Traffic Signs Needs

    yeah, I do know it takes a lot more than that, isag I really do know how newbie I sound, and I do realize there is a lot to it, but again, I won't be making permanent signage, just for temporary traffic control. I do know the specs, and as daunting as it may be, I have to explore the option...
  7. Traffic Signs Needs

    Thanks for the welcome Malkin:thankyou: Also, on bit of clarification. I'm not making permanent signs for roads/highways, just the temporary stuff for temporary traffic control: mostly black letters on diamond grade reflective orange sheeting. Don't know if that makes a huge difference from an...
  8. Traffic Signs Needs

    Hi, All. Hopefully the ridiculous newbieness of my questions is OK in the newby forum. I've tried to do some search to glean basic info, but it looks like most of you all do all kinds of signs, so I found limited info on traffic control signs. Basically, I am a traffic control...