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Search results

  1. New member getting into sign field needs advice please!

    Ok, i have read and read and messed around with this and i'm going crazy.... I can't figure this out.... I can get the graphic opened in Illustrator, but from there I can't figure out what to do!! I see the plotter under my list of printers when I hit print, but it looks like it is just going...
  2. New member getting into sign field needs advice please!

    Thank you guys all for your input so far! I will ask what material they are using, I am just the PC guy they call when they do new projects like this. So it is my job to figure out what software, hardware, etc... to use and then teach them how to do it. Mainly my job is to figure out how...
  3. New member getting into sign field needs advice please!

    Hello and thanks in advance for any help! I work in a granite shop and we recently decided to try out making sandblasted signs. I'm doing research into what we need to do to get started doing this and need some advice. We currently have a Graphtec FC5100-130 cutter/plotter. We are...