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Search results

  1. Anyone have info on Roland VersaOBJECT CO-640i-F3?

  2. Anyone have info on Roland VersaOBJECT CO-640i-F3?

    Our company is considering purchasing a flatbed (Roland VersaOBJECT CO-640i-F3) 4x8 model, and these 'seem' like pretty versatile units (no-pun intended). I can't seem to find any reviews/videos/opinions etc. on the web, aside from a few 1-3 minute quick videos from Roland showing what it looks...
  3. natallica

    Not a problem Sir. Here's a link to it on my Google Drive. Let me know if it works...

    Not a problem Sir. Here's a link to it on my Google Drive. Let me know if it works! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A1Da5YWxKbx1PWgFPda6C-JP39Yv4DIP/view?usp=drive_link
  4. Flexi Software

    Well, for us, Flexi has had it's bugs for quite a few years, but it's been getting more annoying lately. We've been updating regularly in the past few years since subscriptions, and even now being on 'Complete' hasn't really fixed anything. • PM still disconnects on a daily basis, which then...
  5. Discussion ICC profile making

    Yeah, it's a little tough to get the tool directly over a good spot. I usually do a couple of readings while slightly moving around the area to hone it in as best as I can. You'l know when you're way off base because it will even show a wierd sample in the app. Just ignore that one, scoot it...
  6. Discussion ICC profile making

    It's called Color Muse, a small USB chargable bluetooth device available on Amazon (for about $60). It's about the size of a size C battery. It is used for taking color samples and matches measurements with many databases (i.e Sherwin Williams/Baer/Avery/Pantone etc.). When comparing samples the...
  7. Discussion ICC profile making

    It may be, but I'd assumed in my case, the linearization chart is CMYK only, and having a 9 color printer it would help during the 'total' ink limit step as well. I've read that for these Epsons (80600's) to achieve great results you have to only build a CMYK ONLY profile and 'Precision Dot'...
  8. Need Help Epson 80600 & 80600L Print Gutter/Color Bar width, adjustable?

    Printing these in the gutter does 2 things. • One, it keeps some of the nozzles from drying out during passes when it's not 'calling' for a specific color. We do a lot of vehicle wraps and printing solid blocks of color, and it's useful when there is upcoming text or images in the file and the...
  9. Need Help Epson 80600 & 80600L Print Gutter/Color Bar width, adjustable?

    Reaching out, hopefully someone knows...It's a nit-picky thing, but I'd love to fix it. We have 2 of these printers and there are NO options on the printer panel to add these to each job so we've been using Flexi to add them (using 'Print Color Bar' option). While it DOES add a 4 color stripe...
  10. Epson S70670 Service Program Needed

    Anyone have one for the 80600 or 80600L?
  11. Flexi 22, am I making a mistake?

    When you highlight/select a Job and hit the Rip & Print (Ctrl+H) icon in the toolbar(not the desktop print icon). When window pops up, the selections are in a pull-down at the top right of that window. -N8
  12. GF 230 Automark for food truck or briteline wrapcast

    We use 230 a great deal, however conforming around rivets isn't very conducive. They'll pop back up in a few minutes. It's good for some stuff (although 231 laminate sucks, nowhere near glossy enough IMO). I'd go with WrapCast, that should work fine...my 'go-to' for most projects. -N8
  13. Flexi 22, am I making a mistake?

    Yes, there is a selection in the top of the 'Rip&Print' dialog box tab to the right is the Cutter Settings tab, pulling down the arrow allows for sending 'Contour Job Only' Hope this helps! -N8
  14. Discussion ICC profile making

    There is a technique I learned at an SGIA Color Management class that has helped me out immensely. I wanted to take the 'visual' ink limit check out of my process, and actually SEE via readings how to get my ink limits perfect and here's what I was instructed to do. • Be sure 'NO COLOR...
  15. Barcodes and regular 'Cut' jobs

    This is probably going to sound retarded, but I'm going for it regardless. • Flexi 22 (Subscription) • 2 Epson's (80600/80600L) • Summa S2160 OPOSCAM/using Cutter Control (5.12.02) I prefer sending my Print/Cut jobs at the same time to Production Manager with barcodes, and I like to have the...
  16. Re-cutting, starting with a specific panel. Is it possible on a Summa T S2 160 OPOSCAM?

    Hey guys, every once-in-a-while when cutting a job I'll run into a situation where the machine needs 'human assistance' to help locating the marker on certain materials. I understand you'll have to recenter the knife over the mark, press OK, and away she goes (even though the cut can be off a...
  17. Seiko (Oki) W64S Orings?

    I'm assuming so, the ones I took off of the hose ends were very small and thin, the one on the printhead was the larger/thicker type. Are they all supposed to be the same size? If so, how many are in each line?
  18. Seiko (Oki) W64S Orings?

    Can anyone give me an idea on where (in the ink line) the o-ring locations are? I have a digital and printed copy of the manual, but I can't seem to pinpoint where they are. Doesn't seem to specify. I'm assuming: One on printhead top, one in the end near the pump. Are there others? Thanks, -N8
  19. Seiko (Oki) W64S Orings?

    Thanks Sir, I'll look into it... I robbed one out of a 'parts' printer we picked up last year for $500 and it's already paid for itself. Trying to keep her alive a little while longer.