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Search results

  1. Graphtec CM5 tiling

    I've got a 2 metre round cut vinyl graphic to do - CE6000-60 using Cutting Master 5 (I know, should have stopped at CM2/3). When I have a weed border enabled, it seems to cut twice though the panel edges, which leads the cutter to want to skew, as the rollers are gripping semi-disconnected...
  2. New guy interested in pricing thoughts?

    if<20% reject your prices, you're not charging enough. That should deal with the lowballers
  3. Best File Set for vinyl

    I've seen some videos of install the 3M Dinoc architectural films on things like book cases, and the guy uses a file or fine sandpaper to cut the joints at the edges. NT 30º snap off, 10a scalpel, .009" razor, or even Noga light-duty...
  4. Service maintenance kit 3 for HP Latex 365

  5. Buying a used SO 80600 - things to look out for?

    As above, I'm heading towards buying a used SC-80600. I've been approached by a dealer with a £7k price on a used unit, including delivery and install, as well as a 30 day warranty and partial inks. The dealer is only 40 miles (2-5 London hours) away, so same/next (few?) days support? Beyond a...
  6. How's crime / theft in your areas these days?

    I'd never trade my rough unevent concrete floors for carpet. You just have to simply (weasel words) plan and budget for the future plan you need, and then the inheritence has the potential to be what you want. When London's (then) biggest pro photographic lab brought in a 60"(?) bromide digital...
  7. How's crime / theft in your areas these days?

    I sincerely hope you have a frieght lift as well as stairs for them printers!
  8. How's crime / theft in your areas these days?

    When we moved into our new premises in April, a local postie asked my why any business would move into crack-alley. A few scrotes have made their way in following users who've been buzzed in by us or the other .org in the building. One ipad, one phone, one coat with wallet, in the last 60...
  9. The annual question...how was business this year?

    Took a double take to not read the last one as ready set growl!
  10. Printing Authentic Digital art for Professional Artist

    When folks insist on gicleé prints, the quote goes up 20%, to pay for the time it takes me to hunt out my french keyboard, and stop muttering about the various colloquial meaninings of giccle. /rant
  11. Printing Authentic Digital art for Professional Artist

    I need to stop mucking around with this inkjet nonsense, and get me a Giccle Squirter. A few bits of information amid a sea of sales pitch
  12. The annual question...how was business this year?

    Or the bovine typed 43"x43", and had some how forgotten those formative classes of shapes and colours. We had a big location shift in April, though production was only down 10% Q1, Q2. Q3 was great, but we've somehow seen a drop off the last few weeks (which historically are rather busy)...
  13. What is experience worth

    Change your phone number to a premium rate, update the company records to match, and take ten days. Though that might incetivise them to go figure.
  14. Question Best Transfer Tape for Oracal 651?

    Can't answer to the first part, but on this note, 2mm weed border, and then cut the package with steel rule, and Sharp blade of choice, leaving 2mm of laminate all round. Makes measuring simple, and only costs a couple of seconds over using snips. Also looks good.
  15. Soften light with vinyl?

    If you're able to get between the light and the cover, then a cine lighting gel sheet will give you more than a few options, and will be fire/heat resistant. https://www.rosco.com/sites/default/files/content/resource/2023-01/Rosco_Diffusion_Comparison.pdf
  16. Printing Authentic Digital art for Professional Artist

    I run this stuff day in, day out for artists. Pigment prints onto art paper, using an aqueous printer (12 channels). Arches 88 Awagami Kozo, Canson Edition Etching Rag, Canson Platine Rag, Canson Prestige Baryta, Hahnemuhle Photorag, Hahnemuhle Bamboo, Hahnemuhle Rice Paper, to name but a few...
  17. Louis Vuitton flagship store in NYC - Outstanding project

    LVMH has a(n im)moderate amount of money - estimated market cap of $383.56 billion as of September 2024 But a brilliant piece of work. Hopefully someone will share the full design / construction story of the project.
  18. Printer Recommendations for printing small to large Photographs for Customers

    The 6600 is really small for a 60" printer - only a few inches wider than our old 8400 44". For the £2.5k difference between a 4600 with take up reel, the 6600 is likely the next machine in our print space (and leaves just enough room for an 80600...). I've been printing photography and fine...
  19. Printer Recommendations for printing small to large Photographs for Customers

    6x4" is fine. Smallest roll it'll take is likely 10", so make sure you like trimming... One of our sides is film processing, so dev, scan and print. When the surelab was down for a few days for a new print head (£300), all the lovely 6x4 glossies were coming out of a 44" Canon, on 24" rolls, to...
  20. Need help finding any printer, that uses dye based inks (water soluble)

    Yep, regular glass cleaner (forget which (UK) brand). Or something like this would probably be pretty good at distressing the output.