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1-shot Cleaning Brushes

d fleming

New Member
Mineral spirits, mineral oil. Old p has it pretty much down, gino too. Lots used motor oil etc much to same effect. I think I have two or three left from days gone by but they're toast. Just momentos.


Premium Subscriber
Mineral spirits, mineral oil. Old p has it pretty much down, gino too. Lots used motor oil etc much to same effect. I think I have two or three left from days gone by but they're toast. Just momentos.

Just had some of mine out a few weeks ago, doing 4 sandblasted signs. Brushes all worked great and felt good after about 3 minutes. Kinda like riding a bike...... ya just never forget how.

d fleming

New Member
Just had some of mine out a few weeks ago, doing 4 sandblasted signs. Brushes all worked great and felt good after about 3 minutes. Kinda like riding a bike...... ya just never forget how.
I was taught sign painting, composition, pen and ink washes, fashion illustration etc in school right before everything changed, lol. I remember seeing plotter cut color separated art on rubylith for the first time. Changed so much. Now I see the toys scattered around the shop as I get closer to retiring and I'm just still amazed at what a little shop can do in a short amount of time nowadays.