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1638X Streaking?


New Member
Hey everyone,

Currently I'm having an issue with the 1638X leaving red streaks in the prints. At first it was doing that and also leaving super tiny red dots also. Since I read up something could be clogged, I printed a giant red rectangle, and that took care of the dots for the most part. The streaks remain. I've thoroughly cleaned it 3 times since, and keep doing nozzle checks but no fix. Everything but the one red section on one of the heads is 100%, with that one red one being maybe 95%. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction on what I should try next? Also, anywhere I can find a tech for south eastern Massachusetts while I'm at it incase I can't figure it out?

Thanks in advance.


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New Member
Hmm, hard to tell from your pics about the problem itself, but your nozzle tests look good, so I doubt the issue is there. Perhaps check your print ribbons/wires to make sure you don't have anything loose or perhaps a short in them? Not sure how old this machine is or if you've had since new, bought used, etc....?

Also, what is the condition of the room where the printer sits? If the humidity is too low due to running a heater there could be static issues causing this....again I am just guessing without more information.


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
Post a picture of the streaks. It will be easier to tell what's going on. Also, try printing with each head by itself. It's an option in the RIP. That way you can figure out which head might be causing the issue.


New Member
Hmm, hard to tell from your pics about the problem itself, but your nozzle tests look good, so I doubt the issue is there. Perhaps check your print ribbons/wires to make sure you don't have anything loose or perhaps a short in them? Not sure how old this machine is or if you've had since new, bought used, etc....?

Also, what is the condition of the room where the printer sits? If the humidity is too low due to running a heater there could be static issues causing this....again I am just guessing without more information.

Machine is 3 years old, I've owned it since new. Doesn't get a super ton of action as my main work is paint protection, tint and color change vinyl wrapping, with some print graphics on the side. It sits in my basement with 2 dehumidifiers running when it is humid. Not a ton of foot traffic, basement is finished, no carpet in site either. I've checked and checked to see if there was a fiber dragging any ink and I can't see anything. But its there nonetheless.

Post a picture of the streaks. It will be easier to tell what's going on. Also, try printing with each head by itself. It's an option in the RIP. That way you can figure out which head might be causing the issue.

The pictures are attached. They are faint, but they are there. Almost looks like the first pass of the nozzle check deposits the ink, and something brushes it alongm but I see nothing. If you look at the image where you see the little white reflection, just above it you see a line, and it is consistent. Tried head 1 or head 2, same result. Makes no sense.

The only change is I had to upgrade to the newest addition of Flexi due to getting a new Summa and my last software not being compatiable with it. Is there a chance something might be messed up on that? Total shot in the dark since I have no idea myself.


New Member
Something has to be hitting. I raised the head to high, no issues. Back to medium, back to streaks. I'll be looking real close tomorrow at it.


New Member
Put the head on low, this was the result through the whole print.


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New Member
After looking at that pic, it almost seems like something is dragging or hitting. Get a flashlight, park the head and REALLY look around it - sometimes I have found buildups of dust/globs that you can't see from the front hiding around the back edges, etc. Sometimes it can be necessary to remove the covers to get a really good look at everything.


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
As FatCat said, make sure nothing is dragging on the media from the carriage. Also, give your encoder strip a cleaning as that can also cause the heads to fire where they shouldn't. The other thing I would check is the wiper. Make sure it's making good contact with the head. If not, ink gets stuck on the head and can cause weird issues like this.