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2 questions please :0)


New Member
Sorry I tried to find the information on my own but was unable to obtain the answers I needed. I have gotten around pretty well in Flexi8, now I need to "learn" some more lol

1. I would like to know how to "frost" edges. If I import an image, mask it and then want the edges frosted to blend into the background?

How about text? Convert to and then?

2. How can I go about getting "filters" or "lenses" into flexi and where to find them? How can I make the below "chrome" type lettering. Any youtube or online tutorials also welcome'

Thank you greatly folks,


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New Member
I don't think you can do chrome or frosted edges.
They have a weak chrome like effect but its weak.

Welding converts text to paths and adobe filters were always there for me (maybe a upgraded version?)

Btw I hope someone proves me wrong about the frosted edges look


Active Member
This may be of some help for part of question #1. With a bit of creativity you could make it apply.
Chrome effects can be tricky and very time consuming to get exactly the effect you want.
For some serious in depth info and training with Flexi, you might find the FlexiSIGN training DVD from Mark Rugen at GIVEMEHELP.COM very useful and well worth the $$....I did and I'm still working my way through it.
I wish I could be more help but I am self taught in Flexi and certainly no expert...still learning.


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New Member
This may be of some help for part of question #1. With a bit of creativity you could make it apply.
Chrome effects can be tricky and very time consuming to get exactly the effect you want.
For some serious in depth info and training with Flexi, you might find the FlexiSIGN training DVD from Mark Rugen at GIVEMEHELP.COM very useful and well worth the $$....I did and I'm still working my way through it.
I wish I could be more help but I am self taught in Flexi and certainly no expert...still learning.

Awesome man can't wait to try that


New Member
Look into the ALIEN SKIN Eye Candy for seamless filters like the chrome effects.

I'm still playing around with everything eye candy can do but for $250 it's worth every penny. If you use it correctly you can create some nice finishing touches to your work.


New Member
FlexiSIGN training DVD from Mark Rugen

I have this and as you STILL working through it -- loaded info in the videos and a great way to learn it. Thank you for the read(link)

thewvsignguy -- Thank you I sure will -- it imports(or works) into flexi correct?

tsgstl -- Like you Ihope its possible. If not what does everyone use Illy and import?

Thank you for all the replies,


New Member

I am sorry but I cannot install it without photoshop. I was pretty sure I asked it it worked with flexi :0) -- The install will not allow me past step 2 without photoshop darn it.:banghead:

It cant be this difficult lol

If I hand draw a mask over a photo, I then want to "soften" the edges like a frosted type edge to blend some.-- going to try the shadow pdf above now :thumb:

thank you,


It's better to have two hands than one glove.

I am sorry but I cannot install it without photoshop. I was pretty sure I asked it it worked with flexi :0) -- The install will not allow me past step 2 without photoshop darn it.:banghead:

It cant be this difficult lol

If I hand draw a mask over a photo, I then want to "soften" the edges like a frosted type edge to blend some.-- going to try the shadow pdf above now :thumb:

thank you,

All you need is Photoshop Elements. A cheap, often free, castrated version of Photoshop. That's all I have and have the Alien Skin Eye Candy package installed.

Even without that piece, if you create the proper file folder hierarchy in your Program Files directory for Adobe, even with a dummy executable sitting in the right place if necessary, you should be able to install the Alien Skin stuff.

Something like 'Program Files>Adobe>Photoshop Elements2>Plug-ins' ought to do the trick.


New Member
Had a copy of CS5 just not installed. I started with Flexi and Photoshop looks soooooo daunting :smile:

I got it working -- almost forgot to raster first. Almost pulled my hair out at greyed menus hehe

:omg:Wow - got some learning to do with Skin7

Thank you,


New Member
I don't have anything photoshop on the two computers I have flexi loaded on, that I know of.

That's odd, I'm running Flexi 10.5 on a i3 with Win7 also and POS laptop with Flexi 10.0 and Win7. Both run the Eye Candy Fine.


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graphics guru

New Member
PS can look intimidating at first, but take time to learnit and your business will expload, due to the amount of flexibility you have. i use CS2 still and toggle between Flexi 8.1...learned photashop via you tube and man its powerful 9 dangerous in the right hands)...i fought it ffor awhile myself, but now i go to it first alot of time before flexing


New Member
Oh I believe you :0) -- The install package asked what I used, photoshop only was shown. Unticking the photoshop box the install would not go on. So I Installed CS5 and were good :0)

Thanks a ton,