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John Butto

New Member
"We discovered that Pompano Beach was truly Florida's warmest welcome," said Margaret Wilesmith, whose firm was paid $75,000 by the city's Community Redevelopment Agency to develop the brand and accompanying logo.


New Member
nice kerning job!

the overall layout is what we see all the time from newbies that post a "what do you think" design and we rip them to pieces for making us look at such a mess!

$75,000? eeek


New Member
Agree on the kerning, Marlene!

Another disgusting example of government waste. Take a look at the firms work and client list. wadads dot com

I'm not even giving them the courtesy of a backlink

They are obviously experts at hobnobbing with politicos and fleecing taxpayers.

Love the comment in the artie "this never went out to bid I get all of the bid emails"

Most folks on here crank out WAY BETTER stuff, sadly for WAY LESS dough.


Premium Subscriber
What is so significant about a blue can opener for Florida's image ??

Don't you people have flip top cans down there ??


New Member
They have since edited the story to leave the price and quotes out. Nice.

Birmingham paid $50k for this one 2 years ago .. why can't I get calls like these?


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New Member
I'm currently working on a celebration wall plaque for a government agency. A nice $5k job to celebrate 75 years of public service. And here I was thinking our state was short on money :) But since I'm on the receiving end, I won't complain! It's easy to spend money if it's not coming out of your own pocket.

Pat Whatley

New Member
There's a hell of a lot more to branding than just hacking out a logo design.

I do love the part where they admit that Pensacola has been using "Florida's Warmest Welcome" as a slogan for years but never bothered to trademark it. Since it wasn't trademarked Pompano Beach felt it was fair game to steal it leaving Pensacola to fall back on it's older slogan "Home of the mullet in a speedo"

As for the Birmingham logo didn't they make that back the first month in licensing fees?

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Typical Florida waste, sad but true, must have been a payoff like normal.

Can not see what is so special about this, think you can do this in power point etc.


Active Member
they do it here in Montgomery, they will gladly pay $12k for a freaking logo package and then freak out when you tell them $500 on a sign

There is a foundation here owned by an attorney, he poor mouthed me when we met about doing signs (yeah yeah wtf ever Im not stupid) Well they didnt wanna do the signs but a couple months down the road they had an ad agency do the layouts for some posters at the local mall LOL.....idiots!


New Member
Having seen what Popono Beach paid for their third grade design, how many out there are re-thinking how much they charge for their "Professional" designs?