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8oz Mesh or 13oz Banner? 12' X 80'.


New Member
Trying to figure out the best solution for a job I just landed for a 12' X 80' graphic. I've never done one this big. It'll be mounted on the side of a building, in the air, maybe two stories off the ground at the bottom. I won't be installing it, the maintenance dept at the university will. Would you guys recommend the mesh or just a heavier standard banner for this job? My cost is about the same on both, so I'm trying to decide which way to push them.

I get that mesh would "breathe" a little more if the wind got behind it and wanted to rip it apart, but does that stuff seem as tuff when compared to a regular solid material? I've basically given them an option to do either direction, but I wanted to try and educate myself as much on the topic as I could.
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Go Bills!

for the banner to work, it must be mounted correctly, when mounted correctly, the 13 oz will be better.


New Member
It's gonna be mounted by screwing it directly into corrugated steel siding. I doubt that's "properly" when you are counting on a maintenance crew from the university to do it.


New Member

It's gonna be mounted by screwing it directly into corrugated steel siding. I doubt that's "properly" when you are counting on a maintenance crew from the university to do it.

Why don't you offer the university a turn-key solution that can be re-used? i.e. some sort of banner frame system


New Member
That's a good idea. Their plan was to leave this up a couple - few years, pending it'll last that long. What would something like that look like. I'm new to messing with systems this big, so I'm just doing research on new things like this as I'm learning more and more what exists to make this better for them.


Merchant Member
A lot of that style work is also put up with the pole pocket and rachet strap system as well.


Quit buggin' me
I'm sold on mesh.
It is surprisingly durable and does not seem to stretch or sag as much as solid banner.
We did a 10'x40' that was supposed to be up for 6 months that is still drum tight after almost 2 years. 8oz with webbing sewn all around.

wayne k
guam usa