New Member
In Toronto a few years ago the rulers that be, put in a lame law that says to reduce landfill waste retailers could charge a nickel for a bag.
Thats right a nickel, a whole plug nickel....this is to deter me?
Now in all honesty you cant tell me that 1,000,000 plastic shopping bags melted down would take up that much space, besides what about all the plastic water bottles, etc...
OK I'm all for being green and the idea is that you bring your own bags or buy those cloth bags.
Then we get reports that the cloth bags are disgustingly full of bacteria as you use them over and over and who knows what juices (chicken) or other foreign mater sticks to the inside of the now you must spend your green savings to wash the damn things.
OK, so now this lame law is in efect for Toronto, but all the little communities encircling the city decide, hey we will be green too and charge a nickel for a .003 cent bag ( if that).
Here's the thing... The city brings this law into effect but says the retailer does not have to give the money to the city and can keep it for themselves.
Now I'm sorry but if your keeping it for yourself, then your overcharging basically. if I buy a product...., is not part of the price to put it in something I can carry it home with? how about a paper bag eh?
Now grocery stores charge for bags but they dont charge for the clear plastic bags you put fruit and vegies
So anyways I suppose something is better than nothing, but one day I will pull up to a drive through and order a coffee and get to the window and they will say do you need a cup? that will be 10 cents extra.
I guess all I am saying is that if you want to charge for a bag then charge me $2.00 and then I will make sure I have a few with me, but a nickel, a whole nickel is not really going to make me go out of the way to bring any with me.
This morning at Home Depot I bought 4 rolls of masking tape and 2 spray bottles. No cash's are open except the self serve... the scanner cant pick up the water bottles and a girl comes over to help me, then I see no bags to put the stuff in. She says I have to pay a nickel. I told her Lowes doesnt charge for a bag..... .
I then try and carry the stuff out without a bag and juggle it a bit and it falls all over the checkout floor lol to bad it wasnt paint or something that would spill and make a nice big mess!!! hmmmm gives me an idea.....
end of rant over and out!!!
Thats right a nickel, a whole plug nickel....this is to deter me?
Now in all honesty you cant tell me that 1,000,000 plastic shopping bags melted down would take up that much space, besides what about all the plastic water bottles, etc...
OK I'm all for being green and the idea is that you bring your own bags or buy those cloth bags.
Then we get reports that the cloth bags are disgustingly full of bacteria as you use them over and over and who knows what juices (chicken) or other foreign mater sticks to the inside of the now you must spend your green savings to wash the damn things.
OK, so now this lame law is in efect for Toronto, but all the little communities encircling the city decide, hey we will be green too and charge a nickel for a .003 cent bag ( if that).
Here's the thing... The city brings this law into effect but says the retailer does not have to give the money to the city and can keep it for themselves.
Now I'm sorry but if your keeping it for yourself, then your overcharging basically. if I buy a product...., is not part of the price to put it in something I can carry it home with? how about a paper bag eh?
Now grocery stores charge for bags but they dont charge for the clear plastic bags you put fruit and vegies
So anyways I suppose something is better than nothing, but one day I will pull up to a drive through and order a coffee and get to the window and they will say do you need a cup? that will be 10 cents extra.
I guess all I am saying is that if you want to charge for a bag then charge me $2.00 and then I will make sure I have a few with me, but a nickel, a whole nickel is not really going to make me go out of the way to bring any with me.
This morning at Home Depot I bought 4 rolls of masking tape and 2 spray bottles. No cash's are open except the self serve... the scanner cant pick up the water bottles and a girl comes over to help me, then I see no bags to put the stuff in. She says I have to pay a nickel. I told her Lowes doesnt charge for a bag..... .
I then try and carry the stuff out without a bag and juggle it a bit and it falls all over the checkout floor lol to bad it wasnt paint or something that would spill and make a nice big mess!!! hmmmm gives me an idea.....
end of rant over and out!!!