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Air purifier needed for surecolor?


Aging Member
I got an Airgradient indoor model. Around $200. It's one of the only prebuilt montiors that can be used with opensource software. On its own it's not particularly feature rich, but it seems to have good reviews on overall accuracy and quality of components used.

Let's just say, if the VOC fumes off the Epson are harmful, the amount of them when the printer is running with no exhaust or carbon filtration pegs the monitor to max levels. I'm in a pretty small shop, so I've been breathing this stuff at extremely high levels for the last few years and thought maybe it was time to put a little more effort into getting a slightly healthier workspace. I'm getting older and starting to watch parts fall off the truck, so it may be too little too late, but seeing how elevated the readings were was a little frightening.

I felt like our Epson was SUPER stinky when we first got it, and I can still always smell it when it's running anything above light ink coverage. Exhaust helps a LOT. I just didn't realize how much exhaust (and fresh intake) I actually needed to keep things in the green. I don't seem sensitive to it beyond the smell, but I'm treating this like sunscreen or earplugs. A little better air quality can't hurt.