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alt key


New Member
i saw an old post by fred about using the alt key for characters...ie alt 0146 for an apostrophe. is there a reference chart for those type of entries? thanks :thumb:


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
i saw an old post by fred about using the alt key for characters...ie alt 0146 for an apostrophe. is there a reference chart for those type of entries? thanks :thumb:

It's merely the decimal value of the character with a leading zero. There's a plethora of ASCII* equivalence charts, just do a search for 'ASCII'. Be sure and select one that's decimal and not octal or hexadecimal. You can tell if it's decimal if some character has a digit in its equivalence code that's greater than 7 and not an alpha A-F. In other words if the characters proceed 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11... it's octal. If they proceed 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,10,11... it's hexadecimal.

*ASCII==American Standard Code for Information Interchange. As opposed to, say, EBCDIC which is Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.


New Member

Alt key + Four digits

¤ Alt+0164
† Alt+0134
× Alt+0215
÷ Alt+0247
‡ Alt+0135
± Alt+0177
— Alt+0151
– Alt+0150
¶ Alt+0182
§ Alt+0167
ˆ Alt+0136
˜ Alt+0152
« Alt+0171
» Alt+0187
¦ Alt+0166
‰ Alt+0137
© Alt+0169
® Alt+0174
™ Alt+0153

á Alt+0225
à Alt+0224
â Alt+0226
ä Alt+0228
å Alt+0229
Á Alt+0193
à Alt+0195
Ä Alt+0196
Å Alt+0197

À Alt+0192
æ Alt+0230
Æ Alt+0198
ç Alt+0231
Ç Alt+0199
ê Alt+0234
é Alt+0233
ë Alt+0235
è Alt+0232
Ê Alt+0202
Ë Alt+0203
É Alt+0201
È Alt+0200
ï Alt+0239
í Alt+0237
î Alt+0238
ì Alt+0236
Í Alt+0205
Ì Alt+0204
Î Alt+0206
Ï Alt+0207
ñ Alt+0241
Ñ Alt+0209
œ Alt+0156
Œ Alt+0140 ô Alt+0244
ö Alt+0246
ò Alt+0242
õ Alt+0245
ó Alt+0243
ø Alt+0248
Ó Alt+0211
Ô Alt+0212
Õ Alt+0213
Ø Alt+0216
Ö Alt+0214
Ò Alt+0210
š Alt+0154
Š Alt+0138
ú Alt+0250
ü Alt+0252
û Alt+0251
ù Alt+0249
Ù Alt+0217
Ú Alt+0218
Ü Alt+0220
Û Alt+0219
ÿ Alt+0255
Ÿ Alt+0159
ý Alt+0253
Ý Alt+0221
ž Alt+0158
Ž Alt+0142 ª Alt+0170
Þ Alt+0222
þ Alt+0254
ƒ Alt+0131
ß Alt+0223
µ Alt+0181
Ð Alt+0208
° Alt+0176
º Alt+0186
• Alt+0149
„ Alt+0132
… Alt+0133
¬ Alt+0172
¿ Alt+0191
¡ Alt+0161
¥ Alt+0165
£ Alt+0163
€ Alt+0128
¢ Alt+0162
¹ Alt+0185
² Alt+0178
³ Alt+0179
½ Alt+0189
¼ Alt+0188
¾ Alt+0190
Alt key + Three digits
128 Ç
129 ü
130 é
131 â
132 ä
133 à
134 å
135 ç
136 ê
137 ë
138 è
139 ï
140 î
141 ì
142 Ä
143 Å
144 É
145 æ
146 Æ
147 ô
148 ö
149 ò
150 û

(Greek letters and
math symbols are
between 224 and 247)
151 ù
152 ÿ
153 Ö
154 Ü
160 á
161 í
162 ó
163 ú
164 ñ
165 Ñ
167 º
168 ¿
248 °
250 · (smaller bullet)

Capital Signs

New Member
It's merely the decimal value of the character with a leading zero. There's a plethora of ASCII* equivalence charts, just do a search for 'ASCII'. Be sure and select one that's decimal and not octal or hexadecimal. You can tell if it's decimal if some character has a digit in its equivalence code that's greater than 7 and not an alpha A-F. In other words if the characters proceed 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11... it's octal. If they proceed 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,10,11... it's hexadecimal.

*ASCII==American Standard Code for Information Interchange. As opposed to, say, EBCDIC which is Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.



New Member
Hey WB can I just have the part of your BRAIN that can remember all of those combinations? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!


Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
You can also just go to

Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map

and it displays the character set for every font installed on your computer.


  • char map.jpg
    char map.jpg
    251 KB · Views: 117


New Member
While typing in Flexi, you can select "insert symbols" and display all the available characters for any font.

I use Alt+0129 quite a bit (bullet).


New Member

Hey WB can I just have the part of your BRAIN that can remember all of those combinations? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!


That's funny right there

You can also just go to

Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map

and it displays the character set for every font installed on your computer.

I can't find that, looked but it's not there?

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
The name of the program is charmap.exe. You can either do a search or just enter it in the Run command.

On my computer it is located at %SystemRoot%\system32\charmap.exe


New Member
The name of the program is charmap.exe. You can either do a search or just enter it in the Run command.

On my computer it is located at %SystemRoot%\system32\charmap.exe

Thank you Fred, tried that it's not there odd
Ahh just found it, I had to do a search for it.

Thank you Fred:thumb:
I have done a search for the vector doctors post and can't locate it. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks Charlotte