New Member
So, a customer calls me on a Friday wanting letters for his truck on a Sunday. Not a huge customer but newer and has spent about $2,000 in the past 2 months so nothing crazy. I told him "in technically on vacation just have work to do so in not going to Florida, let's shoot for Tuesday" I send him a proof on Tuesday. The proof I used is the same logo and font I used on his business card. I sent him a mock up of a nice design with nice artwork and wanted a more "professional look" and different pictures. Calls back 3 days later and I send him an update. Wants a full color pic of an "ear of corn with roots in the ground" which is weird but ok. Calls the next day saying he wants it on his truck that day after he wanted different art. He calls me today to find out "what the f is going on" and I explain I basically can't pull artwork like that out of my *** and told him I would letter his truck tomorrow morning, letter the tailgate until I can get something Desinged to get on the bed. He said no to f it and forget it he's not waiting longer. It's literally been 11 days since he first contacted me. Is that unrealistic? How long do people expect to take for custom art and an install?